Dining for three

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Having two lovers means you get twice the amount of love, well, that is what young and foolish Zhao Yunlan used to think just after Ye Zun had moved into their penthouse and there would always be someone to attend to his needs.

Actually there is a lot of effort expended by the lazy chief in loving the two brothers equally, emotionally and physically, in the form of emotional support and sex respectively. Shen Wei is quiet, needs cuddles and reassurance sometimes, but at the right time loves nothing more than good old ass pounding sex in any part of the house as he pleases. In stark comparison, his twin brother Ye Zun is in the mood for love 24/7, and not the innocent fluffy kind like Shen and his constant romanticism. Once on a particularly dating outing during one of Shen Wei's university conferences, he and Ye Zun went as far as to visit the local adult toy shop and that day, Yunlan discovered he was more of a hoe than he thought. Not that he doesn't admit to being a hoe boy before, but he is total game for the sexy twins with the welcome addition of whips and collars.

An advantage to his situation is definitely having three lots of income making up their daily budget that Shen Wei calculates monthly. So that is just dandy for the chief of the S.I.D with secretly expensive tastes, because at any given time, Shen or Ye Zun would come to the new office and escort him to luxury restaurants that without them, he would never think of dining at. Mostly the elegant scholar Shen Wei, would appear by dark magic or by foot as the office staff greatly prefer him to his ex villain twin, who they all remember as the one who almost killed him and Yunlan all over again. This time has him more than simply surprised, when the twins say they are using their powers to take him to a famous restaurant in Paris, in that Ye Zun used mafia connections to gain entry into, Le Meurice.

The intimidated French waiter guided the three to a private room looking over the Parisian nightscape, a beautiful composition of lights and ancient architecture, that looked more like a painting than a window view. He could not blame the girl though, a stern looking professor in full formal wear, the masked gang member Ye Zun in a spotless white suit, and Zhao Yunlan, the original scruffy chief of the S.I.D, isn't exactly offended by his conduct. Ye Zun unties his gold mask and grabs the wine on the table, inspecting the label while frowning distastefully, "Cheap asses, I pay €200 euros for a private room and the complementary wine is a middle range arts wine, a lousy Forcas Las Meninas.", he complains. Shen Wei pulls out a chair like a gentleman, and when Yunlan has seated himself comfortably, he pours them both a glass of iced sparkling water from the bottle in the second of the polished buckets at the centre of the table. He apparently completely ignores the dialogue of complaint after complaint from Ye Zun, focusing on his lover.

Ye Zun finally shuts up and chugs so much of the complimentary wine that he eventually falls down drunk, letting the other two order what food they want to eat. Yunlan selects three matured steaks well done as the main, with the addition of Shen Wei's suggestions of Pasta Napolina and sauteed vegetables as sides. "Cheers LanLan, to our happy future," the professor raises his second glass of red wine with a shaky hand, "No one truly knows what the future holds, but I just know that I can't imagine a future without you LanLan." Yunlan blushes bright pink, his first love Shen Wei could be such a cheese ball with his wife knowledge of literature and habit of quoting, something only the scholar Shen could do so elegantly without sounding disgustingly cheesy. The words just flow like water in his masculine, velvety voice before he hits the table unconscious, but Yunlan isn't shocked, the professor has simply hit the limit.

It was one drink too many apparently, as somehow he has two drunk Dixing-ian men to haul to a hotel until they are able to transport back to Dragon City, and he can't ask for help because their definition of drunk isn't exactly normal. Shen Wei and Ye Zun have no heartbeat, and although he isn't scared, others would freak out like he admittedly did when Shen Wei first got drunk.

Having two Dixing-ian lovers can be perplexing and mind bending, but more rewarding and fulfilling when he does get time to relax with the two opposite twins.

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