Nursing professor Shen with love and maybe a bit of sex

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Shen Wei is sick. This isn't normal for the feared Dixing-ian ambassador black cloak as he has exceptional stamina and resistance against illness, but luckily he has his brother and lover there to take care of him. Yunlan knows more about Shen Wei and actually, his health is more fragile than Ye Zun remembers from when they were the orphaned twin brothers before the bandits separated them. When he shared his life forces with the chief to restore his sight, Yunlan saw in person how the professor suffered in silence as his dark energy become turbulent and in the chambers, his energy almost completely let him down. Sometimes that incident makes Zhao Yunlan look at Ye Zun with anger, especially as it was at his hands that his love almost died, albeit it being misdirected anger causing the rift between them.

Ye Zun is inbetween confusion and worry when he comes in and sees his twin under the duvet as white as his old outfit. "Yun, how did Wei ge get sick? He was always the healthy and strong one when we were kids in Dixing, but now he's like me, down with a mysterious human ailment that I haven't seen before.', Ye Zun rants anxiously. Yunlan sighs, and prepares to tell him the part of what happened before the present state of living that Shen Wei actually doesn't want to ever tell his twin, but not before he puts the duvet over the slumbering professor and checks the temperature of the cool gel pad on his pale forehead. It's gonna be a long story that actually isn't fun to tell, as he was witness to the suffering Shen has experienced in the time it has taken to make life as peaceful as this. He makes Ye Zun a strong coffee and puts a couple of slices of peach cake on the table, mentally preparing to dig into his less pleasant memories.

It is hours later that they finish catching up, and Zun is speechless. "Oh god, he shared his life with you literally? That is so romantic!!!! I want someone to share their kid with me!!!", Ye Zun whines childishly. Yunlan has to try his best to not repeat the fact that Shen Wei almost died to save everyone on Haixing, but he does see the guys point, it was kind of romantic that Shen would go as far back then to save him and he does think that it was very sweet, however, the memory of the incident is heavily tinged by sourness as he remembers Shen coughing blood in Dixing palace. Ye Zun sighs after his spazz moment, "Geez, Shen ge isn't like I remember. It's not bad but he had to suffer so much for one thing in the whole universe, a person to love and live peacefully with for the rest of their lives. I'm just glad he found you again Lan Lan, you balance him out like Ying and Yang, you may be mine but also his."

Shen is mostly recovered after he sleeps for a good half a day, and is back to the state of perpetual mating in the next three days, in which he goes back to teaching at the university and cooking a full three course meal every night, consolidating the claim that the man is not only an ambassador of Dixing, but a male goddess underneath that disguise of university professor. He also take part in intimately loving Yunlan on every one of their three times a week sex schedule, heck, three days is more than enough to stop Yunlan sitting down for half a day each time, and this contrary to expectations is a good sign. Ye Zun acts considerably more brotherly towards Shen Wei, bringing him ginger tea when he has to mark students papers on cold nights, which become more common as autumn sets in, and easing the physical tasks he usually does, such as carrying multiple dishes to the table. Yunlan thinks this resolution is perfect, Shen and Zun are closer than they have ever been, and he has peace once more.

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