Chapter one

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Everyone is dead. My whole street, my whole village. Everyone is dead.

Now don't get ahead of yourself, I didn't kill them. I didn't ever feel angry to do it and nor did i need to. I was happy just a few hours ago. Both of my parents were still alive, my dog Minx was asleep in her bed near the fire place, my university letter had come in today and I was accepted for pyhscology. I was your average 19 year old girl living in the suburbs with both parents still alive and together, the baby brother called Jack and the house pet.

My looks were pretty average too. Brown hair and blue eyes like my little brother, my mother had brown hair and green eyes whilst my father had black hair and blue eyes. But now, non of this matters since they're all dead.

Currently, I'm hiding in the closet with the hung up clothes covering me. Some of them being my long ago deceased sister's. My mother had never really gotten over her death and I'd never seen the outside world because of it. Tears streamed down my pale cheeks as I heard fire burn down the houses, police sirens were going off but no police were alive anymore. Did they die and non of them reported back before it was too late? I knew the police were stupid but I never knew they were that stupid!

'Please don't let me die.' I whispered to myself and clutched at the clothing in the closet.

Suddenly, an out break of screaming could be heard. Not the terrified help scream, the angry scream. I peaked out and looked out the window to see fire on the streets and house, police car lights were flashing and some cars were turned over with bodies hanging out. I crawled out of my space to see a clearer view and leaned against my window so only my eyes were seen.

There in the middle of the street was a middle aged man revving up a chainsaw, only fire lighting up the seen, he was covered in blood and wore a blue jumper and blue jeans, his sleeves were rolled up and you could see all the wounds on them as he put the chain saw above his head.

'I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!' He screamed throughout the neighbourhood, 'YOU'VE KILLED MY WIFE, MY DAUGHTER AND EVEN MY FUCKIN' DOG!'

As he was ranting more i saw more figures lurk in the dark. One of them exited the house what was fully on fire, that one wore a white hoody and black dress pants with large black boots. I could only see his pale skin and black hair but his knife shimmered as he wiped the blood on his jumper. Behind the man on the street stood a long slender monster only a few yards away from him, he wore a suite and had no face and only pale skin, black tentacles started emerging from his back.

I saw four figures sat on the roof of different houses, all holding some sort of weapon. On the first house there was a young man holding two hatchets lazily, his orange goggles covered his eyes and his mouth chamber looked metal from here.

On the second roof there were two female figures, one had pale skin with black features on her face what were partially covered by her long black curly hair, her dress was around her thigh and was also black as were her boots. The second girl had deathly green skin with black splotches and she had dark yellow eyes completely with frost bite lips. Her long dark green hunting coat covered her black tank top and some of her dark blue jeans. Her boots looked like horse riding ones and came up to her knees and she scratched at the dirt on them with her long claws.

On the third roof was another male figure. He had no weapon and leaned lazily on the roof like all the others, watching like it was a show. He had a black hoody on, black jeans and black gloves. He had a blue mask on with black eye holes what leaked out black tar, he shuffled slightly and let his legs dangle off the edge.

'YOU'RE THE BASTARD AREN'T YOU!' The middled aged man shouted at the man in the white hoody. 'YOU KILLED CHERRY!'

I didn't hear what the pale boy had said in response but he wiped the knife against his hand again. He started stepping closer and suddenly threw the knife into the man's right shoulder making the man fall onto the floor and the chainsaw attacked his right shoulder and neck, his screams filled the air.

As soon as i heard his screams, I ducked under and covered my ears to stop the pain filling me. Crawling back to the closet slowly, I grabbed a metal base ball bat what was under the bed, i dragged it back to the closet close to my chest. My ash brown hair slightly covering my pale bruised face got in the way of my blue eyes. I sqeeuzed my blue eyes shut as i heard the man screaming, in the shadow on the wall, i could see that a black tentacle was holding him high up as a chain saw was plunged all the way through his stomach.

'Please don't let me die.' I whispered again to myself and stopped in my tracks as i heard a dark chuckle behind me.

Turning towards the door way was a smallish teen boy. His hair was blonde and shaggy but covered his black demonic eyes. His green tunic was painted by blood and his brown leggings had a few rips in them and his brown boots didn't fit his legs as they were too skinny yet his legs were muscely.

'I can't promise you anything.' He smirked and stepped closer, naturally pushing me backwards.

'Stay away from me!' I cried. 'Y-you fucking freak!'

Offended, the boy stood up straighter now. His face grew more angry and less amused. 'A freak?' He gritted his sharp teeth. 'I'm a freak?'

'Y-yes!' I stuttered. 'Get away you ugly creature!'

He scoffed at my remark and turned to unsheath the sword which i had not noticed before. 'Huh well.. You shouldn't have done that.'.

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