Chapter 3

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After what seemed years of running, I slowed down to a walk and the forest began to end to show a large clearing; in the middle of the clearing was a large house. It was three storeys high and painted black, making the brown door stand out more. The wood was old and some parts broken. On the porch there were two large pillars holding it up at the front but there were the same symbols on each one: a red X running through a red O.

I made my way up the wooden steps cautiously, opening the door since it was unlocked and i made my way inside; will this really be a safe place to hide? It's a creepy house in the middle of the woods! Inside there was a long hallway with a staircase at the end on the right side but the hallway carried on and turned left after that. Closer to where I stood, there were two arch ways either side. I closed the door quietly after myself and went into the room on the right, only to nearly fall over a couch!

I flicked on the lights and nearly screamed in horror! There on the couch was a large red dog with a huge grin on it's face filled by human teeth, It's fur was black and red and also matted by sweat; it was panting heavily with sweat dripping down it's long snout, it's yellow eyes were dialated and small yet shiny.

Loving dogs and every type of animal I instantly came to the dog's side. 'Oh boy what happened to you?' I asked stroking it's fur softly.

'I have no idea but my stomach really hurts!' A voice said.

I stared down at the dog what was making weird eye contact with me as i let go of it's fur awkwardly.

'Are you gonna help me or just stare at me?' He asked.

I nodded my head shakily and saw black mist cover the dog. I grabbed out to try and save the dog from the mist but grabbed something else. I hauled whatever I grabbed towards me, thinking it was the dog's collar, and accidenlty pulled a random person onto me.

'OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU?!' I screamed an tried to push the person off me.

'I'm Smile.' He smiled and bared his pointed teeth at me.


'I am the dog.' He laughed and got off me and pulled me up too. 'You know, I'm actually not the type to sleep with someone I just met so-'

'I wasn't trying that!' I said. 'I thought you were dying!'

'Aw you'd save me?' He cooed and pinched my cheeks as i was much smaller than him, being 5'5 was pretty bad compared to 6'1.

'The dog was cute ok.' I sighed and rubbed my temples.

'So I'm cute and not scary?' He frowned. 'I know my human form is hot as fuck but c'mon my dog form is scary.'

'I found your dog form cuter than your human.' I laughed as he gave me a scowl i quickly shut up and turned bright red.

I followed him into the other room and saw that it was a kitchen once he turned on the lights. Everything was a monochrome theme and had everything modern. On the far left was a long glass table with 14 chairs, one at each head and 6 going down each side.

To seperate the dining area to the kitchen was a long black countered breakfast bar. It had long black stools facing the kitchen and Smile went to sit on the side where the chairs weren't so he faced me. Around the kitchen, the counters ran around the wall and the fridge, oven and grill did too.

Smile bent down suddenly and groaned, 'Help meee!'

'Alright, alright,' I said and came closer to him. 'What's up?'

'My tummy!' he grunted.

I searched through the cupboards and finally grabbed what I wanted: bread and a glass of water.

He looked puzzled as I gave it to him and his ears twitched, not complaining, he ate and drank what was given. 'Now what?' Smile asked.

'Well everytime I have a stomach ache I get my cat to walk on my stomach.' I shrugged.

Puzzeld he asked, 'Why?'

'Massaging is meant to help digestion.' I said and sat on the counter.

'GRINNY!' Smile screamed into the thin air, staring up at the ceiling.

In came another man with ebony black cat ears emerging through his brown hair. He had on an orange pj top with black pj bottoms.

'What?' He yawned with his eyes still closed.

'Get in your cat form and come here.' The dog man ordered.

'Alright but-' He opened his eyes and saw me stood in the kitchen. He screamed in fright and dived for the kitchen table, hiding underneath it. He turned himself into a black cat with dark red eyes, cowering and whimpering like a human, he hid behind the chairs.

'Oh for gods sake Grinny.' Smile sighed.

'Ok i have a reason this time, Smile!' Grinny protested.

'Go on then.' Smile said.

'Well first of all she's human!'

'So is Jeff.'

'Well uhh, she's not meant to be in here!'

'I knwo you're real reason.' Smile smirked to himself

'w-what?' Grinny said, his ears flat on his head.

'It's because she's a girl and you don't want her to see your ugly face!' Smiled laughed.

'N-no it's no-not!' Grinny protested.

'Well if that's not the reason come out here and stand on my stomach then.' Smile ordered again.

Grinny crawled out of his hiding place and avoided my face as he jumped onto the breakfast bar to stand on Smile's stomach. 'This is so weird..' Grinny muttered as Smile started to make weird dog whining noises.

'Harder Grinny.' Smiled moaned and instantly made Grinny jump off him as Smile and I broke into tears of laughter.

'Ok that was way too weird goodbye and goodnight!' Grinny changed into his human form and walked out with a grossed out look on his face.

'You want me to show you around?' Smile asked through the silence, I laughed and nodded, waiting for Smile to get up.

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