Chapter 6

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'Have you met everyone?' Jill asked as we walked down the corridor towards the stairs.

'T-there are more?' I asked shakily.

'Many more Juliet!' She smiled.

'Are they going to k-kill me?' My stomach churned from the words I had to speak.

'Why would they do that?' Jill asked with her dark eyebrows raised. 'Your Smile's companion aren't you?'

'Well it's complicated and uh..' Jill quickly silenced me.

'We will cross the bridge if it comes to it.' She smiled reasuringly.

We walked down the stairs together, Jill giving me reassuring sqeeuzes now and again, and soon found ourslves at the arch way I first found Smile in.

The living room was buzzing with life; there were atleast twenty people in such a small room I just felt claustriphobic looking at it. Clowns, masked men and armless people walked around to chat to others. Some played video games, some ate and others just watched the scene or the T.V. As soon as we stepped in Jack was by Jill's side, his arm around her waist.

'Why Juliet you look like a princess!' Jack cooed and pinched my flushed cheeks, that's when I noticed, these two clown people are from Britain?! Were they some sort of weird inbred couple?

'I didn't have to try Jackie!' Jill kissed Jack on the cheek. 'She's a natural beauty!'

I blushed even more and held my head down. Jack and Jill stayed near my side as I scanned the room; Near the far window were a group of four people, 1 had no arms, 1 looked like Sonic the hedgehog, 1 looked like a human pikachu and the other was Grinny.

One the large sofa sat the two girls from earlier, the one with black hair and the other one what lookd like a zombie, with them was a girl with a clock in one of her eyes and the boy from earlier who had hatchets, he shook uncontrollably.

On the other sofa was four men, some form earlier. Masky and Hoody sat togther on it but Masky held the little girl on his lap from earlier. Another man on that sofa had a blue mask on with no eyes what dripped black tar onto the man next to him, the man next to the eyeless one had a pretty normal figure until I noticed he wore a surgical mask and he had red eyes what seemed focused on the man stood up infront of him talking to him.

The man he was talking to him looked like a steam punk skeleton with the willy wonka top hat he had on and he also wore a brown cape.

By the T.V, playing video games were three men. One had tentacle coming out his back and had no face, which was eery as fuck. The other had jet black hair and was recognisable from earlier with his carved in smile. The one next to him made my knees wobble. He was the one that almost killed me. His blonde shaggy hair and his denomic red eyes were unforgetable.

He smirked as he was winning at the game Star Wars battle front two ( I love that game omg)

'Oh look Slendy's playing games.' Jack smirked, elbowing Jill playfully.

As I was so engrossed into the game, I yelped as i was grabbed by Grinny and sat at the window with the other strange men.

'I couldn't recognise you!' Grinny smiled and patted my dress.

'Huh neither could i.' I mumbled and played with the dress ends.

I looked at the sonic demon and got so hypnotized by his blood dripping black filled eyes to realise he was smirking. 'Like my face?' He snickered.

'Oh my god you're real!' I shrieked and grabbed onto Grinny's tail by accident.

'Argh! Juliet please!' Grinny cried and tried to get my hand off him.

'Of course I'm real.' He laughed, 'So when did you die? Or become a proxy?'

'U-uh what?' I laughed nervously.

I saw the Sonic laugh and elbow the shy person next to him, the one with no arms. 'What's this joke, Lost Silver?' He laughed at me.

'I am not a joke!' I yelled at him.

'Y-yeah S-sonic, you don't ev-even know her.' Silver said.

'Ooh Sonic got ganged up on!' The pikachu smirked.

'Shut up, BRVR!' He yelled and stomped over to Masky and Hoody.

'You wanna meet more people?' Grinny grinned at me.

'Not really.' I sighed as he dragged me up.

Where the hell is Smile?

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