Chapter 2

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Everybody was shocked on what Sir Goichi said, some were nervous, some are scared, and some are confident. Each and one of the students wants to win so they could pass the training exercise.

"Each of you will take a piece of paper in this jar and I will give each one of you a badge, the first one to slice or crush it will win!" Sir Goichi said

"Whoever you pick will be your enemy for today" Sir Goichi said

As Everybody took a piece of paper Sir Goichi pointed at Neo and said

"Since Neo is new here why not let him go first"

"Neo who did you pick?" Sir Goichi said

"Kyoko Aoyama sir!" Neo replied

Everybody was shocked that Neo picked the class president the strongest in the class.

"He picked the class president no way!" a student whispered

"Well now we know whose gonna win" another student whispered

"I hope Neo is gonna win" and another student whispered

"Ok the first match will be Kyoko Aoyama and Neo Hiromoto!" "Everybody go to the arena!" Sir Goichi said

As everybody was going to the arena Kaito went to Neo and said

"Good luck out there she is the strongest in the class"

"Thank you I will try my best" Neo replied

When everybody is inside the arena they were all excited on whose gonna win the battle

"Neo Hiromoto and Kyoko Aoyama are you two ready?!" Sir Goichi asked

"Yes sir!" Neo and Kyoko shouted

"Then let the first battle BEGIN!" Sir Goichi shouted

As the battle started Kyoko started running towards Neo. While Kyoko is running towards Neo he just stood still making a formation ready to swing anytime. When Kyoko saw what Neo did, she ran faster, Neo weilds his sword.

As soon as Neo weilds his sword Kyoko was already in front of him. Kyoko did an uppercut but suddenly Neo disappeared out of nowhere. Kyoko was so confused on where Neo was she turned around but he wasn't there, everybody was looking for Neo. Kyoko felt a strong wind passing behind her, when she looked there Neo is there waiting for her to turn around.

When she turned around she did a side punch to hit Neo. But Neo went down and swings his sword upwards making Kyoko's badge sliced in half. Everybody was amazed on how Neo defeated the class president.

Kyoko fell down and said

"How could I lose to a transfer student who just went to school"

Neo went to Kyoko and reached out his hand saying

"You don't need to say you are weak just because I defeated you"

"Use this experience to become stronger and to notice your mistakes" Neo said

Kyoko was touched by Neo's words that she started to think something and said to herself

"What is this kind of strange feeling I'm feeling right now?!"

"Could it be, I'm in love with Neo?"

"NO, NO, NO this can't be happening right now!"

As Neo reached out his hand Kyoko stood up and said

"You're pretty strong for a transfer student"


Neo smiled and said

"Well we will see when we get our own lunix's"

Kyoko's whole face turned red Neo noticed that Kyoko's face was red so he asked

"Are you ok Kyoko?"

"Your whole face is red, are u sick?!"

"N-NO, NO this is nothing" Kyoko replied

"Are you sure?" Neo asked

"Yes I'm fine, I-I need to go to the bathroom real quick"

As Kyoko runs quickly going to the bathroom Neo asked himself

"What's wrong with her?"

"Why was she so nervous?"

While the students are amazed on what Neo did Sir Goichi and Asami were suspicious about Neo.

"It's his first training and he defeated the strongest in the class" Sir Goichi said

"I know and I'm trying to figure out how he moved to straight down to going behind the enemy"

"You know Sir Goichi you have some very strong and interesting students in your class" Asumi Fujino said

"Yeah your right but Neo is different from the others, I feel like he's hiding something" Sir Goichi replied 

"We will figure it out on what Neo's hiding from us" Asami replied

"Yes we will, we will" Sir Goichi said

As Neo walks out of the arena a student was shouting his name

"NEO!, NEO!"

It was Kaito, Kaito went to Neo and said

"Wow you're so strong you defeated the strongest in our class!"

"Kyoko is strong also, I only won because of luck" Neo replied

"Wait really? Either way you're still strong" Kaito replied

"So who is your enemy for today?" Neo asked

"Oh, it's Eiji Nakashima he is an archer class just like me" Kaito replied

"So its gonna be a long range battle huh?" Neo asked

"Yes it is, I wish I could defeat him " Kaito said

"Here's a tip limit your noise when running and shooting" Neo said

"Since you both are an archer class the arena will disguise itself as a forest or something else" Neo said

Sir Goichi announced the next battle and shouted

"Kaito Koizumi vs Eiji Nakashima!"

"Kaito and Eiji please go to your designated arena position!"

"Thank you for the tip, and wish me luck!" Kaito said while smiling andrunning towards his designated position.

Neo shouted

"GOOD LUCK...... friend"

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