Chapter 5

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I'm sorry that I didn't update my story last Thursday and I updated very late because of school stuffs phew being a high school student is  difficult. Enjoy Chapter 5 hope you like it!


When Neo woke up he opened his eyes and took a bath. When he was finished he dressed up for school. When he was about to leave a guy and Chiyo dressed up in a school uniform was waiting for him. He went outside and asked to Chiyo.

"Chiyo why are you wearing the girls uniform from our school?"

"Isn't it obvious I'm going to your school" Chiyo replied

"Why?" Neo asked

"Because General Gin told me so" Chiyo replied

"Wait so that guy beside you is the general?" Neo asked

"He doesn't look like him!" Neo said

"I mean this guy is WAY MORE younger than the general" Neo said

The guy beside Chiyo was very angry at Neo, Chiyo stepped back to avoid getting punched. As Neo continues comparing the boy and the general he was punched by the boy. The boy's appearance was slowly disappearing and the general's face was slowly appearing. Neo was confused on who is the boy who punched him. But then the boy was just a temporary body for the general and Neo was regretting on every word he said.

This is what the general looks like

After Neo apologized the general introduced himself saying

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After Neo apologized the general introduced himself saying.

"Just in case you forgot me I'm General Gin who is in charge of Japan's lunix organization."

Neo was surprised that General Gin was disguising himself as a teenage boy. While Neo is busy being surprised General Gin said.

"Chiyo is going to your school"

"Why?" Neo asked

"Last night you captured all Eriko squad right?" General Gin asked

"Yes sir" Neo replied

"All except one, unfortunately there was another archer who was ordered to stay put in a dark place" General Gin said

"And saw you and your squad fighting Eriko's squad ad reported it to their base" General Gin said

"We captured the soldier and got the information from him but we didn't get where their base is because he ate poison" General Gin said

"How did he eat poison if he was all tied up?" Neo asked

"He had an artificial teeth that contained poison, if you bite it hard enough the poison will be released." General Gin said

"Enough of this chit chat and lets go to school!" Chiyo shouted

"Fine, well General we'll be going to school now" Neo said

"Ok when you come back home I will be waiting to discuss more about what happen yesterday"

"Sure!" Neo replied

When Neo reached school he went to his classroom andas he was going to his seat Kaito stopped him from going to his seat and said.

"Why did you leave me alone!"

"It's because my guardian called me" Neo replied

"And what is the name of this guardian of yours?"

"His name is............" Neo replied nervously

"Come on Neo think!"

Suddenly Neo remembered that General Gin was staying so they could discuss about what happened yesterday.

"My guardian's name is Gin" Neo replied

"Hmmm, I want to meet him to know if you're not lying to me" Kaito replied

"Fine" Neo replied

Sir Goichi comes inside the room with a new student with him. Sir Goichi goes to his table and said.

"Allright class we have a new transfer student here in our school"

"Come in!" Sir Goichi said

As Chiyo went inside the room she took a chalk and wrote her name in the blackboard and said.

"My name is Chiyo Hashimoto I'm 14 years old"

"Where do you want to sit Chiyo?" Sir Goichi asked

As Chiyo is finding a seat she saw Neo and waved at him saying.

"Hi Neo long time no see!"

Neo feels how some of his boy classmates hate him. While he was being stared at some of his classmates he replied.

"H-Hi Chiyo how many years has been it?"

"So Where do you want to sit?" Sir Goichi asked

Chiyo saw an available seat near the class president so she went there and sat on the table.


When school was over Kaito went to Neo saying.

"I will come with you and see if your guardian is real or not"

"Fine!" Neo replied

"Go on I'll catch up I forgot my book" Neo said

"Suuuure" Kaito replied

Neo saw Chiyo at her locker so he quickly went to her and said.

"Go to the house quickly and transform into a baby wolf!"

"Why?" Chiyo asked

"Just go I will tell the rest when Kaito is gone" Neo replied

"Fine!" Chiyo replied

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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