Chapter 3

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As the other students battle, Sir Goichi announced to all the students who finished battling each other.

"To all students who finished the training exercise please go back to the changing room and change to your school uniform"

"Kyoko Aoyama I'm putting you in charge of the behavior of the class, understood?!" Sir Goichi asked

"Yes sir!" Kyoko replied

When all of students who finished the training exercise went inside their classroom Kyoko went to Neo and asked.

"Neo can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, what's your question?" Neo replied

"How did you suddenly disappear when I uppercutted you?" Kyoko asked

"Oh that's a family technique that our ancestors created" Neo replied

"Ahhhhhhh, amazing what do you call it?" Kyoko asked

"It's called Vanishing Step"

When Kyoko and Neo are finished talking Kaito went inside and ran to Neo and said

"Neo I won against Eiji!"

"Wow that's really good" Neo replied

"I won by using your advice!" Kaito said

"Could you teach me more on how to improve my skills!" Kaito said excitedly to Neo

"If you're asking me teach you on how to improve your skills then you met the wrong person" Neo replied

"What are you talking about?" Kaito asked confusedly

"I'm a swordsman you're an archer I know how to use a sword not a bow" Neo replied

"Plus I only got that advice from a friend of mine long ago when I was trying to be an archer" Neo said

"Why did you quit on becoming an archer?" Kaito asked


Neo stayed quiet for a second then Kaito said

"So why did you quit on becoming an archer?"

"It's something you shouldn't know" Neo replied

While Neo and Kaito are talking Kyoko and her other friends are talking about them both Kyoko's friend Hanae Fujiwara said

"I'm starting to ship those two"

"My brain is thinking a lot of stuffs on what they'll do when they're alone" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hanae said pervertedly

Kyoko suddenly blushes while she imagines it and shouted


"Why would you imagine such a thing?!" Kyoko said

"I'm a fujoshi don't judge me!" Hanae replied

"I know you're a fujoshi its just your imagination is taking things too far!" Kyoko replied

As Kyoko and Hanae argue Sir Goichi went inside the classroom. All the students saw Sir Goichi coming in so they use their magic to become faster and went to their sits quickly. When Sir Goichi went inside the classroom the whole class was quiet and in order. Sir Goichi was impressed on how behaved the class is so he went to his table and said.

"Ok class I'm gonna announce your homework then you all go back to your homes understood?"

"Sir yes sir!" Everyone shouted

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