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Takes place after wave. After getting fed up with his team's disrespect of him Naruto goes to the wood s to calm his nerves. Their he finds the Uzumaki clan temple of the necromancer. When he enters he falls unconscious and then meets the Fox Nick. After that Nick gives him a bloodline and awakens Naruto's Uzumaki bloodline, and tells him of his family and what the temple was. Now with the power of thorns, darkness, and necromancy on his side no one will be able to beat him


Top naruto


Nick (fox)
Beast boy (animal demon prince)
Hidan (make hinata)

Bloodline given is thorn release

Summons naruto gains are hell hounds and ravens.

Uzumaki bloodline gives naruto the power to make chains, and powers of raven

Book for necromancy.

Book for necromancy

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Summon tattoos

Wolf of on wrist

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Wolf of on wrist

Then raven

Then around his neck is a chain that has this symbol as a amulet on it

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Then around his neck is a chain that has this symbol as a amulet on it

Then around his neck is a chain that has this symbol as a amulet on it

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And these amulets as well

And these amulets as well

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This is filled with his blood

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This is filled with his blood

Naruto the necromancerWhere stories live. Discover now