Character Profile

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Another adventure has ended and I cannot thank you enough for the support you have given me and the characters. Here are the profiles of the people you went to an adventure with.

Thais Demeus
She is the daughter of King Xander Demeus and Alis Demeus. Yrif Kingdom once prospered with its wealth until jealousy reigned. It's downfall came, but it rose with the awakening of its new king, Leonhart Demeus. She officially became the 12th Princess of Yrif Kingdom and did her best to build her country from scratch.

Thais met Sinbad when she was 17 and him 14. She viewed him as courageous, sly and sometimes, stupid. Soon, she developed feelings for him. However, it was too late. She knew that Al-Thamen was after her and they successfully captured her. In order to escape, she had to sacrifice two important people in her life.

Ugo picked up her soul and let it rest for 15 years. Thais woke up beside Aladdin as they searched for the truth of the world. She gained two new important people in her life. Not only that, she had two loyal companions from the renowned Arjwani tribe. What she did not expect was meeting Sinbad so early. It had became a chase between the two until she decided that there was nothing for her to fear. Sinbad accepted her with open arms, but another problem came into view. Thais learned of Sinbad's past, the same to say with the Sindrian King. They got together. But a year later, she had to give up her happiness for the others while carrying Sinbad's child.

Three years later, she appeared with her child, Akil. She planned to destroy the Sacred Palace and lock it up where nobody can touch it. Beloved by the rukh like the magi, she made one last miracle.

Former Djinn: Ose (Spirit of Fantasy and Reality) and Ronove (Spirit of Rhetoric and Service)

Current Djinn: Marbas (Spirit of Truth and Secrecy) and Seere (Spirit of Treasure and Dishonor)

Akil Demeus
He is the son of Thais Demeus and King Sinbad of Sindria. Although he is just four years old, he is more mature than the kids of his age. He also possesses the special rukh passed down from their generation. He is childish from time to time, but acts serious when needed. Aladdin, Hakuryuu, Kouha and Morgiana are the people he considers his aunt and uncle.

He is the catalyst of the New World for he inherited his mother's magic and vast knowledge.

Leonhart Demeus
He is the King of Yrif Kingdom. He is married to Queen Hotaru and has two children: Sivan and his unborn child. He is also one of the new leaders of the New World.

Leonhart was born in the Yrif Kingdom. He was an outcast because of his yellow hair and bright red eyes. Some called him an abomination while some deemed him as a demon. It was only when he released Thais from her seals that his world changed. It took them years to build their own country from scratch but they succeeded. It was the 12th Princess of Yrif Kingdom who announced his ascendance to the throne.

Current Djinn: Foras (Spirit of Naivety and Ideals)

Hotaru Demeus
She is the Queen of Yrif Kingdom. Hotaru originated from the Northern Regions and was married to the King of Yrif to form alliance. Leonhart tried to love her and despite it being difficult, he eventually fell for her.

Queen Hotaru was known to be caring and just, until the time that she fell under the control of the Dark Rukh the councilors used on her. Her emotions and memories were both sealed and altered. It was when Leonhart freed her from the influence of the black rukh.

She is an elemental mage noted for her well-formulated magic circles. She is also the mother of Sivan Demeus.

Sivan Demeus
He is the son of King Leonhart Demeus and Queen Hotaru Demeus, and the nephew of Princess Thais Demeus. He is kind, obedient and cunning at some point.

Sivan was not older than ten when he met his aunt, Thais. He asked Kaein, Thais' Arjwani companion, to bring him to her and it was through that that the princess learned of Yrif's situation. Because of him, she was able to help the country eradicate its corrupt leaders and bring forth the real Yrif Kingdom.

Sivan is a magician and swordsman of the Yrif Kingdom.

Niel Farenn
He is the king of Shajaea Kingdom of North. He was banished in his country by a false ruler before reclaiming it back through the help of his Djinn, Gamori and the Yrifian princess, Thais.

He is collective, strong and witty for a young king. His other half is Akari Yah from Falore.

Current Djinn: Gamori (Spirit of Honor and Disgrace)

Akari Farenn
She is the daughter of chief of Falore. She is a magician known for possessing a huge amount of magoi. She is a life magician who has already mastered the human body and currently studying the structure of magical creatures alike.

Kaein of Arjwani
Golden wolf-lion of the Arjwani tribe. He is the son of the minister of the tribe who was known for kindness, diligence and courage.

Kaein has been serving Thais Demeus for more than 7 years. He is also her household vessel under Marbas.

Luna of Arjwani
Silver wolf-lion of the Arjwani tribe. She is the daughter of the minister of the tribe who was known for kindness, diligence and courage.

Luna has been serving Thais Demeus for more than 7 years. She is also her household vessel under Marbas.

She is a genius magician known for utilizing every type of magic. Her main magic type is life magic.

She was one of the students who studied in Magnostadt along with Aladdin, Titus and Sphintus. She was known for being the top student and was highly regarded by Matal Mogamett himself. She is a close friend to Kaein and is currently in a relationship with the magi of Reim, Titus.

He is a lightning magician known for possessing a vast amount of magoi nearly the same as a magi. He was kidnapped by Al-Thamen. Like Judal, he was raised harshly for their selfish desires. It was until Luna came that he was freed from the chains of Al-Thamen.

He is currently working as one of the professors in Magnostadt and Reim.

He is the Spirit of Fantasy and Reality. He was owned by Thais Demeus before perishing away.

He is the Spirit of Rhetoric and Service. He was owned by Thais Demeus before perishing away.

He is the Spirit of Naivety and Ideals. He is owned by Leonhart Demeus.

He is the Spirit of Truth and Secrecy. He was owned by Thais Demeus before sacrificing his self for his Queen.

He is the Spirit of Treasure and Dishonor. He was owned by Thais Demeus before sacrificing his self for his Queen.

He is the Spirit of Honor and Disgrace. He is owned by Niel Farenn of Shajaea.

Other characters:

• Daw
• Hilal
• Renald
• Ana

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