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Kalani's POV
I wake up to my dad barging in my room clearly drunk. He keeps stuttering on his words, I hate seeing him like this. My mom warned me about this. That one day she's gonna leave and my dad will most likely be stress drinking and he's gonna tell me to come with him somewhere. I don't want to go with him because I know where he's gonna take me. Once when I was seven they argued and my mom left. Since he was drinking again, he told me that he doesn't want to look after me anymore because he can't raise a kid by himself. He dropped me of at the side of the road of who knows where and left. I had to hitch hike for hours until some old dude picked me up. He took me to his house and kept me there for a couple days until my mom came back home and was looking for me. The police found me with the old couple and took me away after they tried to take custody of me. They obviously lost the debate. My dad was arrested for charges of dui, and child abandonment. Although as expected My mom bailed him out, so I ran away I lived with the old couple but they kicked me out by the time I was a teen. I'm 17 now and I never finished High school I dropped out in 10th grade because I basically had no parents and I didn't care. I currently live in a hotel in Sacramento, although my god parents pay for it.

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