The first night.

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We all grabbed plates and served ourselves a few slices of the pizza each, and lemonade in red solo cups.
We headed towards the dining room table and Louis sat next to harry and Zayn beside him, on the other side of the table was Niall and my brother with a space in between them, which I presumed was for me.
I sat down and we tucked in, the boys asked me questions about Liam and what he was like at home, they didn't know that hes not always a goody two shoes, well, they know but he isn't as much of a goody goody as he paints himself to be.
By the time we finished up it was late and we were all tired so we discussed it was time to turn in for the night. we loaded our dirty plates into the dishwasher we all headed upstairs to our rooms.
Once I had changed into a vest top and some pyjama shorts I headed to my bathroom, I took a hair tie and tied my hat into a pony tail , not caring how it look as I was only going to mess it up as I slept anyway. I brushed my teeth and then headed back to my bed, I peeled back the covers and was about to climb in, I jolted my head round as I heard a quiet tapping on the door before my brother pushed it open and peeled around it. "It's only me." He said with a smile, "I thought I'd come and say goodnight and check that you'd settled in ok." "Yeah , everything's fine." I smiled back at him. "So what do you think of the lads then?" , "they all seem lovely , louis' a lovely character" I said questioningly and we both laughed, "goodnight then." Liam said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my forehead before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I listened as his footsteps grew faint as he disappeared down the hall and into his room and his door opened and then closed again. I ducked out the lights and hopped into bed pulling the duvet up to my chin. I closed my eyes and I was so tired from the excitement of the day that I was asleep within five minutes.

Yay a new chapter. I'm loving writing this , I hope you are loving reading it just as much. I hope you enjoy this chapter.❤️

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