⚠a concerning and serious rant⚠

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So...this is serious in many ways. So as some of you may or may not know, the users FrerardIsGay69 and Th-emo-killjoy harassed me and my ex gf when we were together. They called us attention whores and try to defend themselves. The thing is, The-emo-killjoy was my first ex gf, and she was an all-out, and still is in some forms, attention whore, along with her gf, FrerardIsGay69. They keep bragging and dragging out that they love each other until they die, in which no one wants to know in the first place!!!! No one cares if you're bragging that you two are now dating!!!! It just doesn't matter!!

If any of you know a hitman or you are a hitman , let yourself or whoever else, please dm me on Instagram at defleppardfangirl111 so I can give you the details on who they are. And finally, if any of you have been harassed at all in life, this is the time to mute and report them.⚠

Thank you for anyone who sees this, and PLEASE share this on any account, including Wattpad!!


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