9/11: what caused tower 2 to fall first/what caused them to cave in and fall

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First off, I send all of my love to every family who had family members pass in 9/11. I can feel every single one of your guy's pain.

If any of you were thinking about how the second tower fell, here is an explanation:

It involves physics and Jenga physics. You know how you move a Jenga piece from the bottom or middle and it falls over? That's what caused tower 2 to fall first.

Basically, if you move a piece from the middle/bottom, you'll have a better chance of the tower to fall over. Moving a piece from the top won't make the tower fall over as easy. That's what took tower 1 to fall over last.

This ties into scientific physics as how the buildings fell. The floors caved in, making the building cave in and fall down, rather than falling from the side. It involves how gravity works, too.

Understand how it all worked now?

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