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                              Perfectly normal

                                  Chapter 1

It was July 29 2018 and I left the house to take a walk. I get to crowded with my four brothers and four sisters. I'm the second oldest sibling. The oldest one is my sister Lilly. She can be nice sometimes, but when you underestimate her she'll be your worst nightmare. Today my siblings were fighting over the tv remote. My mom left to run some errands and my dad, well he was in the army and died. My dad would sometimes do stuff funny to keep us from boredom. Three of my sisters are adopted. I don't have any idea why my mom went ahead and got three adoptions, but I didn't really care. Halfway on my walk though the forest I heard a twig snap. I turned around knowing that it was one of my younger sibling Levin trying to scare me. "I know it's you Levin!" I said. It's wasn't him, but a Umbreon. "Don't Umbreon go around at night?" I thought. The black Pokémon started to get closer. I wasn't afraid of it though. I knew it just wanted to investigate me. I reached out to pet it, but it bit me and ran off. "What the hell?" I said shaking my arm. Now it started to rain. "Great, the last thing I need is rain." I said. I ran back home and found that Lilly had the remote and everyone else was in their rooms. I sighed as I threw myself on my soft bed. Tomorrow I started school and I didn't have a great weekend. I went in the kitchen and ate some macaroons that were there on the table. "Don't eat all of them." Lilly said as she got up from the couch. "You ate all of them!?" She said. I shook my head and pointed to the trail of macaroons that led to Levin's room. I followed her to his room and noticed all the macaroons on the bed. "Levin that little son of a..." I covered her mouth. Everyone tries to stop her from cursing as to not encourage the young ones. She sighed. "I will murder you when I have the chance." She said. Levin's eyes widened. "I was only hungry." He said with a mouthful. The day ended when Lilly tackled Levin off his bed.

The next day I got up and went to the bus without breakfast. Besides it's rare for me to be hungry. When I got to my classroom I tried to listen to my writing teacher, but it's hard to with the boring voice she has. When I was in the bus on the ride home I noticed that I had black fur on my palm. I thought it was marker or sharpie so I decided to clean it when I got home. When I did I couldn't get it off. "Why won't the damn marker wipe off already?" I said as I rubbed harder. "It's probably permanent marker." I thought. As it got dark I brushed my teeth and noticed that it looked like I had rabies, but it was the toothpaste or soap. I decided to scare my three younger sisters, Nati, Sarah and Zoe. They also shared the same room which means I can scare them all at once. I looked outside the bathroom and no one was around. I walked up to their room and slowly opened the door. "Sarah go check who it is." Zoe said nervously. She got up and slowly approached the door. When she opened the door I scared them and they screamed. "Ha! I fooled you guys good did I?" I asked as I wiped the soap off my mouth with my hand. Or at least what used to be. They started to laugh. "Yeah you did get us, but what scared us the most was the costume you have on."Nati said. "Wait what costume?" I said. "The one you have on." She said. "It looks like a Umbreon." I ran to look at the mirror and noticed a black Pokémon with blue rings around my ears and one on my forehead. I turned around and noticed the other blue ring on my tail. "What the hell happened to me?" I asked myself.

Soon Lilly went into the room I just finished scaring

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Soon Lilly went into the room I just finished scaring. "What happened in here why did I hear screaming?" She asked. "Chase scared us." Sarah said. "Where is he now?" She asked. She pointed to the restroom. "Chase, why did you scare them you..." she didn't get to finish when she saw what happened to me. "What happened to you?!" She asked. I sighed. "I don't know what happened all I know is that I became this." I said. I looked up at her and noticed a pink ribbon behind her. "What's that thing behind you?" I asked. She looked behind her and screamed.

Soon Levin came in the room. "Whoa What happened to you?" He asked. "I have no freakin idea." I said. "Go check on Lilly she's in her room." He left only to find a Sylveon in her room crying. "Lilly is that you?" He asked. She nodded. "What's to be sad about?" He said. "I've turn into this." She said. "I still don't see why you're crying though." He said. "Easy for you to say fire breath you're a Flareon. He looked at himself, but didn't react by crying or anything like that. Eventually everyone was an eeveelution. Gabriel was a Jolteon, Nathan was a Vaporeon and Jake was Leafeon. As for the girls Zoe was a Glaceon, Sarah was a Espeon and Nati was a Eevee. "Someone in here was contagious and spreaded this odd illnesse to us." Jake said. "Should we call each other by our names or by Pokémon names?" Lilly asked.  We all agreed that it would probably be easier to say our Pokémon names than our actual ones. "What about our mom we can't leave her thinking that we got lost or something." Eevee said. "We can't exactly scare her either." Flareon said. "Write a note maybe?" Vaporeon asked. "It's a good idea, but we can't write. We have paws." I said. We all turned to Sylveon. "What?" She asked. "You have those pink ribbons maybe you can write the letter." Glaceon said. "But anyways I guess we have to care for one another." Leafeon said. Everyone looked at me and Sylveon. "You expect us to care for you?" I said. They all nodded. "You guys are the oldest so we should expect more from you." Jake said. "Of all the Pokémon in the world you couldn't be a basic." I said. "It's fine all we really need is shelter from the rain that looks like it's coming towards us." Sylveon said. "What about that treehouse over there?" Flareon pointed to the tree in the middle of the forest.

"Do you think anyone lives there?" Leafeon asked

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"Do you think anyone lives there?" Leafeon asked. "I don't think so it looks empty." I said. I opened the door and looked inside. "Hello?" I answered. Thee was no response.

"I don't think anyone lives here." I said. I really didn't really think there was anyone there anyways because it was dark. "We might need a flashlight." I said. Everyone looked at me. "Ok, fine I'll be your flashlight." I moaned. I walked
up the stairs and to my surprise there were nine rooms. Not only that, but it was huge even though it looked small from the outside. "Hey guys take a look at this." I said. Everyone came down and looked at the house. "Wow, it's huge!" Eevee said. "Yeah and dark too are there any outlets here?" Jolteon asked. "I think there was one in a room." I said. He left into the room and after about two minutes the lights came on. "I used thunder shock at the outlet and now we have electricity." He said. I walked around a little more and didn't find anything else. "Well I'm going to get something to eat you guys stay here." I said. I left the house and walked around the forest looking for berries. "Wait for me!" Sylveon said as she was running after me. "What are you doing here I thought you were looking after them." I said. "Flareon is and I knew that you wouldn't be able to reach anything from the trees." She said. "Yeah I guess you're right." I said.

                           End of chapter one

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