My Crush

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                              Chapter three

As I went unconscious a different Sylveon noticed me and dived down. She tied her feelers around my stomach and brought me back up. A Glaceon was waiting for her to arrive and pull us both back up. "Do you think he's dead Slushy?" Asked Sylveon. "I don't know Holly did you use your feelers?" Slushy asked. She put her feelers on my head. "Yeah he's still alive just not awake." She said. As I was still unconscious they brung me to their house. Their mom was a Espeon and their dad was a Jolteon. "Who's your friend you're dragging in?" Espeon asked. "While Slushy was giving me swimming classes I found him drowning." Holly said. "Are you sure he isn't dead?" She asked. "Positive." Holly responded. "Well we still have the guest room available. Maybe you can bring him there." She said. They dragged me to the room and tossed me at the bed. "Alright then let's go to school." Slushy said. "Are you ready Alex?" Holly asked. A little Eevee came running into the room. "Yeah I'm ready." He said. Then he noticed me. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked snickering. Holly slapped him upside the head. "Owww." He said rubbing his head. Soon they left for school. I woke up coughing water out of my mouth and trying to wring the water out of my tail. "Where the heck am I?" I asked myself. I got up and looked around. There was a flatscreen tv and a drawer underneath it. To the right there was another drawer with a lamp on top of it, and to the left was a table with a mirror on it. I looked at the mirror and sighed. The only good side about this was that I wasn't dirty from mud and that I was saved by someone.

                                                                   ~~Time skip ~~

I heard the knob shake and jumped right into the bed making it look like I was asleep the whole time. "Are you awake?" Alex asked peaking his head out of the door. I pretend that I woke up and yawned. "Oh, great you're alive." He said. Then Holly came. "Alright I have some questions to ask you." She said. "Who are you and where did you come from?" "Forgive me for answering a question with a question, but who are you?" I asked. "I'm Holly and I'm the one who saved you from drowning." She said. "Now answer what I asked you." "I was from a Pokémon trainer, but freed myself and ran away." I said. "I was getting chased by and fell off the cliff where I landed in the lake." "What's your name?" She asked. "I don't have one." I answered. Then Slushy ran into the room running over Holly. "You're awake!" She said. "Owww." Holly whimpered. I started to smile. "You think it's funny?" Holly said. She approached me about to slap me with her feelers, but stopped. "You're to cute to hit." She said. "Looks like someone has a crush on him." Alex said. "Why you little!" She started to chase after him. "What's up with them?" I asked. "They just hate each other." She said. "I never asked you, but what are your guys names?" I asked. "Oh right." She said. "I'm Slushy the Eevee is Alex and the Sylveon is Holly my sister." She said. I got up and saw the two outside running. "Oh, hi you're awake Umbreon." The Espeon said. "What's your name?" I asked her. "I'm Luna and the Jolteon is Spark." She said. "What about you?" "I don't have one." I said. "Do you mind if we name you?" Slushy asked. "Not at all." I said. Then Slushy came up with one fast. "How about Shadow?" She asked. "I like the sound of that." I said. "Alright then it's decided." Luna said. Then Holly came in dragging Alex up the stairs. "What happened this time?" Luna asked. "Alex thought that I had a crush on Umbreon." She responded hanging Alex with her feelers. He was smiling, but it slowly started to vanish. "Maybe you do." Luna said. Holly blushed and quickly ran upstairs. "That was weird." I said. "Yeah, maybe she does have a crush on you." Slushy said. I ran upstairs to her room, but I was locked. "Are you in there?" I asked. There was no response.

                                                                  Holly's pov (point of view)

Ok let's be honest here I did have a crush on Umbreon, but I'm afraid he doesn't think the same way about me and we just met today. I just don't want anyone to know this so I try to keep it my secret, but I'm bad at that. Now even my little brother knows. Now I'm starting to feel it's just more of a crush for me. It's like love at first sight. "I saved him not because I wanted to, but because I saved him he might like me. I'm not trying to force him to like me. I just want him to feel the same way I do.

                                                                        (Back to me)

I actually did have a crush on Holly because one she was cute and two she saved my life! If it wasn't for her I would've been dead, but tomorrow I'm starting school so hopefully no one else likes her or ends up liking me. The thing is I don't know who the principal is or what Pokémon he or she was. Anyways I was excited to go.

                                                                      ~~Time Skip~~

It was nighttime and my lights were now glowing bright. "If only there was a way to turn these lights off." I thought. I got in bed digging under the covers to try and stop looking at the lights. To my surprise I fell asleep easily. I didn't wake up early when everyone else was awake. Slushy sighed as she went to wake me up. "Come on Shadow wake up!" She yelled. "Let me sleep for another hour." I mumbled. She left to get a bucket of cold water and tossed it at me. "Brrrr! That's too cold." I said. "It was the only way to wake you now get up we're going to be late!" She said. She ran out of the room and outside with Holly and Alex. I looked around and instead of a village it looked more of a city. Then I noticed the school building. "Is that where we're going?" I asked pointing to the building. They nodded. We kept walking until we got to the door when Holly stopped me. "Since you're a shiny a lot of Pokémon are going to tease you because you're different so try to ignore them." She said. She opened the door and there were so many different Pokémon. There were so many I couldn't really name them all. Since Alex was in a different grade level he went to the hallway that was closer to the exit and entrance door. Holly, Slushy and I went to the very last one which was sixth or seventh grade. What I found kind of weird was that we all went to the same class. In the class was a Snivy, Raichu and a Staraptor. A shiny Staraptor. The teacher was a Blaziken with glasses. The only difference from the Staraptor was that the tip of where his feathers that are hanging on his head was blue than red. He sighed when he looked at me. "Another shiny." He said. The other two looked back. "It's rare to find a shiny Umbreon around these parts." Snivy said. "It's also rare to see him talking to new Pokémon." The Raichu pointed to the Staraptor. "Yeah that too." Snivy said. "Hey! I nearly forgot! Do you have your ice cube today?" Staraptor asked Slushy. She nodded and handed him a block of frozen carbon dioxide. "You expect me to eat this?" He said. Slushy nodded. Snivy used one of his vines and poked it. "Ouch! That burned." He said. "How can it burn you it's frozen it's supposed to be cold." I said. I licked the block of ice and it really did burn me. I started to run around the room like a maniac. Everyone else laughed.

                                                                          ~~Time Skip~~

School was over, but Alex wasn't here. "Where's Alex?" Holly asked. Then I spotted him over by the back door with another Pokémon which was a Gengar. "Look kid if you don't bring any money by tomorrow I'm going to send you to the hospital." The Gengar said. Alex had tears running down his eyes. "Hey guys he's over here." I said. Slushy and Holly peaked around the corner. "Y-yes Gengar." He stammered. "What's that?" Gengar asked. I was about to go send him to the hospital crying, but Holly pulled me back. "Let's wait here." She said. I sighed and calmed myself. "Y-y-yes sir." He said looking down. "How can you wait and watch your little brother get bullied?" I whispered. "I'm not I'm thinking of a plan." She responded. Then Gengar used his venoshock at Alex knocking him out and poisoning him. The Gengar laughed and left. We ran towards Alex knowing he fainted. "There's a hospital around the corner lets bring him there." Slushy said. I looked at the purple scar between his eyes and nose. We got there and watched him still fainted on the bed that was there. Or was he sleeping? One things for sure though I will make that Gengar pay for what he has done. When he was done being healed he didn't look too happy. He padded his way to the door and we followed him. "Why does the Gengar bully you instead of someone else?" I asked. "B-because he knows I'm weak and that'll never even land a move on him." He responded.                                                                           

                           End of chapter three

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