Hiding the Truth

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Chapter four

Ever since that day Alex hasn't been the same. He already gave the money to Gengar, but he's still getting beat up. Then one day instead of beating Alex he told him something scary. And here's what he said. "I've been hearing these ghost rumors from kids that went here at this school. Nobody knows what the name of the school was before it burned down and killed several kids. Some say that their spirit were stuck here and murdered anyone who called out their name. They would follow you home and when you wake up you're dead." The story was longer, but I didn't really pay any attention to it. Besides it's fake right? When we got home Alex asked me something. "Shadow do you think you can sleep with me tonight." He asked. "Why?" I said. "You've always slept by yourself why not today?" "Well Gengar told me something scary and I'm scared it's true." He responded. "So is it a yes?" I knew he was trying to use his baby doll eyes on me. And honestly that kind of story is one that would scare me so I did stay with him. The next day I was too tired to go to school so I just stayed under the covers. Then that's when I remembered that it was Saturday and we didn't have school and I heard Staraptors voice. "Shadow are you in here?" He asked. "What is it?" I mumbled. "It's going to be Holly's birthday tomorrow and I have something great planned for that day." He said. "Wait it's who's birthday now?!" I said throwing the covers onto him. "It's Holly's birthday tomorrow, come to my house I have a list of what she wanted." He responded. He flew out the door and I followed him. "So where's the list?" I asked. He went to his room and threw a bunch of stuff out until he got to the list.

"Ok so this is what we need not what she wants." He said handing me the list. "Wait, but you just said the you have the list of what she wants." I said. "I got confused." He responded. What I needed to get was cake mix, jello and a whole bunch of other stuff for the party. "Isn't it her birthday tomorrow though?" I asked. "Yes it is, but I like to be ready before a birthday starts just in case I don't have time to do it." He said. So I went to the store and bought all the stuff we needed for the party. "So tomorrow Snivy is going to take Holly to different places to stall her while you, Raichu and I set everything up." Staraptor said.

~~Time skip~~
The next day I was about to leave the house, but Holly pulled me back. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I uhh... well." I didn't know what to say. I struggled to escape her feelers, but she was holding me tightly. "I got to go to Staraptors house!" I finished finally escaping her feelers. "Bye!" I said running off. She tilted her head slightly. "Why does he need to go there?" She asked herself. I kept running until I was at Staraptors house gasping for air. "What happened?" Snivy asked. "H-Holly wouldn't let me go." I said. Then I heard the doorbell ring. "That's probably Holly!" Snivy said running up the stairs. "Is Shadow here?" Holly asked. "Nope!" Snivy lied. "Anyways I have some places to show you." He said pulling Holly with his vine. We all sighed in relief. "Now that that's done let's continue." Raichu said. Staraptor made the jello I made the Oran berry cake and Raichu was setting up the decorations. When we were done we heard the door open. "That was fun right?" Snivy asked. We quickly turned off the lights and started finding hiding spots. "Hey where's everyone at?" Snivy asked. We all jumped out out and shouted surprise. After about an hour of talking and stuff we got to opening presents. I thought I was forgetting something for a couple seconds then it hit me. I forgot to get a gift for her! Now what was I going to give her? After everyone else was done with the gifts I was next. "What did you get her?" Raichu asked me. "I-I-I forgot to get a gift for her." I said looking at the ground. I started walking up to Holly. "I'm sorry I forgot to get you a gift." I said. "But happy birthday anyways." I finished. I kissed her on her cheeks and she started to wobble. After a few seconds she fell back and fainted. "I didn't know you knew draining kiss!" Snivy said. I opened my eyes wide. "I don't." I responded.

We looked at her for awhile and she was still breathing. "I wonder if it's the actual faint or the weak faint." Raichu said. "Should we pour water on her head?" Staraptor said. We stared at him like saying 'that's the dumbest idea we've ever heard.' "We'll just wait this one out." I said. Then we all felt the house shake and rumble. "What's that?" Raichu asked. A few seconds later Slushy opened. "There's this blue portal like thing around here." She said pointing to the right. "Do you have Alex with you?" Holly asked all dazed. Slushy nodded pointing to Alex behind her. But when Slushy tried to go inside someone tackled her from the left along with Alex. "What was that?" Snivy asked going up the stairs we followed him and Slushy was right. There was a portal. We looked inside just barely two centimeters away from falling. Staraptor went inside, but the force of portal made him fall down. We looked at the edge and Holly slipped falling inside as well. Should we all go in now?" Raichu asked. "Well I'm going in!" Snivy said walking into the portal. Raichu jumped inside and when I was about to run in someone pushed me into the portal. I managed to hang onto the ground, but I was losing my grip. "Show yourself!" I yelled over the portal. A Sylveon that looks just like my sister stepped over me. "Brother?" She asked. Wait maybe she was my sister. "I'm sorry to have done this to you." She said. "But this needs to happen." She started to grab my paws and let go. She waved her feelers in a goodbye position. This was unpredictable for me. We were family and we stick together. I looked back down the portal that had nothing but blue. A few seconds later I landed on top of all the others. "Where are we?" I said looking around. It was dark out and there were poles with lights on top. There were a couple of buildings that were labeled open twenty four hours a day. I stepped out from the alley to get a better look at everywhere. I couldn't help, but notice a sign labeled 'Subway' I walked closer to the building crossing the street. I looked both ways and noticed a car, with blue headlights. I stopped in the middle of the street thinking I was still on the sidewalk. "Shadow watch out!" Snivy yelled. I looked at the ground and noticed I was still on the street. "Oh, no." I said closing my eyes.

End of chapter four

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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