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*OKAY NOTE: THE PROLOGUE IS NOT AN ACTUAL PART OF THE STORY!!! since some ppl got confused ig sorryyy. It's just like idk a little thing per se*





"He's coming!"

"Frank, who?"

The thunder outside rang in Frank's ears as it struck down. Frank knew who he saw. Seeing him- seeing his face. He shuddered, suddenly feeling the all too familiar cold energy.

There he was.

A face Frank knew all too well.

"Frank, honey, what's wrong?"

Don't listen to her, Frank.

You know better.

I know you do.

"Frank," His mom sobbed. "Why are you doing this to me?"

And she melted away.

And they all melted away.

Frank screamed. And yelled. And cried. And yet nothing seemed to work. Nothing, no matter how hard he tried, ever worked.
He failed

God, he failed. He failed his miserable life. And now its over. Its all over.

And then it was only white.

And he was in his bed.

"Jesus Christ," Frank sat up, a little startled and a little hungry. What's wrong with him? What kind of messed up dream was that?

"Lois, Off! Off!" His dog barked very happily. At least his dog cared about him- and his mom.

"God, if I knew that stupid guy on Craigslist would give me nightmares, I never would have contacted him. He's probably not even the real deal," Frank shook his head and leaned down and pet his dog. "Huh, Lois? Good girl."

He got out of bed and stretched, yawning and throwing his arms in the air.

"Ah, that's nice. I should shower, shouldn't I, Lois?" Frank questioned, still watching as Lois stared at his with droopy eyes.

She didn't reply, but rather left the room suddenly with her head down.

Frank was left puzzled. She never leaves like that- let alone me? What's going on?

He followed the large dog, but only out of curiosity- he swore, taking his clothes for the shower with him.

"Lois, heel! Girl! L-" Frank runs after the big dog. "Just stop walking! What's wrong with you?"

They approach the living room and suddenly Lois stops in her trail.

And so does Frank.

Hey, Frankie...



Wow this suckeddd lmao and its like 300 words. Oops lmao..

Let me know what u think

Seven Shades of Your Own Mess // A Frerard Demon AUWhere stories live. Discover now