Order 66

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Hey everyone, PervySage15 again with the first story chapter of my story.

(Scene change)
"Dark figure speech"
'Dark figure thoughts'
"Talking over comms"

Hope you like it

(Coruscant Jedi Temple: Padawan Bedroom)

In the night, a Padawan thought it to be wise to look over a few datapads he and his master had found on a recent mission on Dantooine. This Padawan's name is Noth Bekk and his master is Jedi Master Saesee Tiin.

Noth comes from a race known as the Zabrak, which have a most noticeable feature, their horns that appear along their heads. His were in two sets of two, one over each eyebrow in a diagonal formation that mirrored the other, similar to a V. His skin tone is tan, unlike Master Eeth Koth, a fellow Zabrak in the Jedi Order, while his hair is black, only growing on the top of his head and pulled into a thin braid, traditional for a Padawan learner. He looked like the equivalent of a 17 year old human male with swamp green eyes, dressed in a short sleeved v-neck shirt and plain pajama pants, all in a pale blue color.

His examining of the datapad he held was cut short when he heard blaster fire fill the silence of the night. Cautiously, he summoned his personalized lightsaber into the grasp of his right hand, hoping that it was a miss fire before hearing more shots outside, with additional yelps and cries of pain of younglings. This made Noth panic very quickly.

In a rush, the door to his room opened and he bolted forward before deflecting blaster fire with his now ignited sapphire lightsaber. He looked ahead of him, having subconsciously blocked the shots to be surprised at what he saw. Clones. He saw a squad of four clones shooting at three younglings. He tried to look at this calmly. Key word, tried.

The troopers stopped shooting at the children, who were cowering behind Noth, now taking aim upon the more experienced Padawan. "Don't move Jedi," the clone ordered, spitting the last word out in disgust. That statement made the Zabrak force user stand on edge. Why were the clones so angered at the thought of Jedi? They are our allies, right?

Noth decided to stand up straight, the shift causing a clone standing off to the side let his trigger finger loose, multiple shots moving towards Noth and the younglings. Noth moved quickly, dodging the blaster bolts heading his way while deflecting the ones aimed at the children.
He turned towards the younglings with a reassuring look. "You guys go on ahead, find other Padawans and younglings and hide out in a room, wait for a Master or someone you know you can trust there, okay?" The older force sensitive whispered, all of the kids nodding quickly as they tried not to look at the clones who were previously just aiming to kill them.

They backed away slowly before running away as best as they could, the youngest being aided by the two older younglings. The head clone took this chance to shoot the youngest of the trio. This broke a piece of Noth's sanity away, feeling the instant emptiness in the Force. His eyes shined with hatred before he dashed forward towards the Temple Guard Trooper, thrusting his ignited weapon into his stomach. The other two younglings tried to carry the younger one to a room, thinking that she still had a chance.

"HOW COULD YOU! SHE WAS JUST A CHILD!!" he roared, his master's training not helping to hold back his rage and sadness. He turned and used the Force to slam the other three opposing clones into the wall behind them rather violently. He took that chance, slashing his lightsaber out of the clone he had pinned and decapitated the traitorous clones with a lightsaber throw.

Noth stood there before calling his blade to his hand quickly before getting his cloak and shoes from his room, clipping his saber to his belt and running towards where his Master said he'd be, the Republic Executive Building. He wasn't told why, but he needed to make sure that his master was still ok.

On his way to the building, he made sure to stay out of sight and in the dark, sneaking his way through the city. Oddly enough, there were no local clone trooper patrols. Eventually, upon entrance to the building, there was no one still. Noth went through empty hallways, still not seeing a person or droid before arriving on the floor of the Chancellor's suite/office after taking a ride on an elevator.

Noth took a single step forward before halting, his eyes slowly widening as he heard lightsabers clashing and yelling. Then he saw his master's lightsaber roll out of the door, stopping at his foot. Then he heard a yell that he didn't recognize, something about power. He couldn't hear over the cackling sound and the window crashing, as well as his heart breaking as he couldn't deny the truth that his master, Saesee Tiin, was dead. He took his master's lightsaber, walking back as he heard a sob, possibly his own, clutching his master's blade tightly, his eyes leaking with ferocious tears that stained his cheeks.

Then he heard a dark voice, causing a chill to run up his spine. "Well done, my apprentice," it spoke in an old, withered voice before the elevator silently travelled to the ground floor. His heart slowly began to race as his mind began to try to process what was happening. Subconsciously, he knew what it meant for him, kill or be killed, survive or die.

When he arrived, there was a pair of troopers stalking towards his elevator as its doors opened. Noth ignited the two sabers now in his possession, flashes of blue and green being seen before they cut through the troopers like a hot knife and butter.

Noth was about to exit the building before clumsily tripping over a rather tall obstacle. He jolted back up, dusting himself off before liking at what he tripped over. He paled at what he saw. It was a droid, to be specific, an astromech droid. "Ok, who do you work for?" The Jedi asked seriously, pointing one of his still ignited blades at the droid.

Said droid let out a few whirs, beeps, and chirps in response. "A Trandoshan bounty hunter?" Noth questioned aloud, thinking in the back of his mind on how he needs an ally and how you can't get worse than a bounty hunter. "Could you take me to him?" The droid lets out a few affirmative noises. "Great, but I need to grab something before we meet him, could you help me?" The droid, again, let's out positive beeps. "Fantastic, let's go," he said before strolling to a transport to the Jedi Temple.

The ride was silent, which the occasional growl here and there. The astromech stood silent, whirring as its head rotated all 360°. Once they arrived at the temple, Noth sneaked his way to the side with the unnamed droid before stopping. "What do I call you?" He asked curiously, looking down at his side. With two small beeps, the silence continues. "R3-J5 huh? Cool," the Force user said before hitting a wall, a secret entrance opening up. "Call me Noth."

With that, they snuck through the secret hallways before finding his now deceased master's landing pad. His eyes watered slightly before fiercely rubbing them with his sleeve. "Can you help me pilot a Jedi Interceptor?" Noth asked in a hushed voice. R3 stuck out a metal arm, trying his best to give him a thumbs up. The Zabrak smiled before nodding. "Great, can you hop into the green one over there real quick? I'll be behind you shortly," he said as he looked around, seeing a view clone that started to destroy some of the fighters and interceptors belonging to Jedi.

R3 did as he was told, his wheels rolling as he moved to Tiin's Interceptor, Noth moving in the shadows before taking all the clones present on easily, needing to blow off some steam. He headed over to the interceptor, jumping into it and starting it up. "R3, tell me how all the systems are doing," he said as he began plotting coordinates to the last set of coordinates in the interceptor, Dathomir.

Noth got a few beeps and chirps in response, allowing him to smile. "At least master knew how to take care of his interceptor," he murmured quietly, the hatch closing before the ship hovered off of the ground and took off, leaving Coruscant. "We'll meet up with your owner or partner when I'm done on Dathomir, alright R3?" He asked as he found one of the lightspeed jumpers. 'Need to take that with me,' Noth thought to himself, knowing he couldn't make lightspeed without one of them.

The young Jedi Padawan began piloting his master's fighter to one of the lightspeed transports, R3 making chirping sounds for no apparent reason. Noth then locking in the coordinates to Dathomir, home of the Night Sisters and Mother Talzin.

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