It's a New Day

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On with the show


(Nar Shaddaa, The Pub's Bounty)

Tarossk flourished his claws and slashed at Noth's shackles. "Alright Mr. Bekk, Zak and I are gonna go for another bounty. While we're gone, don't start a fight with our dear Mando here, ok?" The Trandoshan asked as he turned and left the room, a hand dragging the gray Nautolan who was whimpering. Duo missions were always worse than solo missions in Zak and Branr's opinion.

Noth blinked before looking to the human. "Sooo, no lightsabers? Can I at least have then on my person in some way?" He asked as he stood up. Branr raised a brow at the zabrak before shrugging. "As long as you don't use em, I don't care," the mandalorian strolled behind the chair and pressed a button on a wall that opened up a doorway. As the warrior walked around, Noth reached out with the Force to summon the two lightsabers, latching them to his belt.

"Come on, gonna have to size you up for weapons," Noth nodded as he hopped up and followed his new ally. This would be an interesting experience. He walked through the new archway and saw walls decked out with many different weapons. "Whoa," was all the Jedi could utter out before having to throw his hand up to catch a staff like object.

"Look familiar?" The mandalorian asked his latest companion, who was now examining the staff in his hands. "Is th-?" "A magnadroid electrostaff? Yes, the very same. Got to retrieve one when the gang pissed off the Seppies one too many times," Branr chuckled as he crossed his arms.

"Need to practice o-" his question was cut off as Noth was already twirling the staff in his hands before finding the activation button for the electrified ends. "Wow," Noth whispered in awe as the he continued twirling it with expertise.

Branr openly gaped as he watched the ex-Jedi wield the staff. "Do you have experience with staffs?" The mandalorian asked as he stepped up to grab a second staff. Noth stopped his twirling before looking up at the warrior. "Um, not exactly. I was practicing with some old temple guard lightsabers once or twice," the force users voice died as he continued his answer.

Scratching at his neck at the now dead silence that took place, Branr decided to thump the ground with his staff. "Whelp, all of that is in the past now. Besides, staffs don't go slicing everything in sight," Noth nodded dumbly in response.

Branr crouched down with his staff pointing down and forward, his hands placed at a fair distance on the staff. "Now let's see what you've got, Jedi," the mandalorian jested as he waited for Noth to strike.

Noth mimicked the warrior's stance before he adjust it ever so slightly, closing the distance between his hands on the weapon before spinning and aiming for a high strike on Branr's head. Branr responded by stepping to the rear and raising his staff to block the strike. "Good, good," he commented in a fake wise tone.

The force sensitive rolled his eyes before spinning around, activating the electric ends on the staff swiftly. Branr caught this and stepped to the side and blocked again before redirecting the staff. This allowed Noth to flip around the mandalorian and strike at his armored back, which shocked Branr in more than one way as he stepped away from his sparring partner.

"Well well, look at the fight you can put up... with a staff," the mandalorian tossed his staff to the side and whipped out his personalized, teal WESTAR 35 pistols. "But without a lightsaber, how are you gonna stop blasters?" Noth winced before he entered a fighting stance with the staff in his hands.

"Well, looks like I'll have to learn how then," the male zabrak whispered to himself as he dashed forward to close the distance. Branr let loose a low chuckle before firing off a few shots at the latest addition to his crew. Noth ducked and leaned away before attempting to strike the blasters out of the skilled warrior's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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