Hello There

26 1 7

If need for reference, end of chapter will have answers. Key is in the first chapter.

(Swearing in this chapter, heheh)

Chapter Start, Go!!

(In the middle of space, heading to Dathomir)

Noth was having a difficult time staying awake as the fighter flew hyperspace. Then it hit him. "Why the hell am I going to Dathomir?! The ni- they're dead. There's no safe spot there. But it would be abandoned. But... night brothers."

Noth continued rambling on before he let out a groan. "Maybe we should go somewhere more hospitable then Dathomir. Ilum? No, too cold. Kashyyk? No there was a huge battle going on according to what-" Noth shuddered in despair. Too many losses. Not enough time. Too adjust. And surely to have happened.

"Heyo, R3? Change of course, as soon as we arrive near Dathomir, set coordinates for... for..." the young Jedi stopped to contemplate his next destination. "I can't think of anywhere to go." That's when Noth heard R3 respond as it whirred to life to give him an answer.

"Right, give you back to yo- wait... weren't you and him on a job... on Coruscant?" Noth waited as the droid hummed silently before beeping at him. "Oh, could've just said Nar Shaddaa R3," he muttered as they came out of hyperspace, the red planet glaring at the starfighter.

This place gave Noth the creeps. Not just normal creeps, but the Force warning to not go any closer kinda creeps. He shivered at the vibes he was getting. "Ok R3, now would be a good time ya know," he whispered like someone was listening in on them. The astromech beeped before he could hear clicking and a few lights flash before they were once again in hyperspace.

At seeing the flashing bright blue lights, Noth relaxed into his seat. His hand drifted upward to his horns before ruffling his own hair. Then he let his hand travel along to his braid. He flinched as he remembered the clones' actions and his master's death. The Pasadena dropped his hand into his lap as R3 began beeping.

"Sorry, What was that?" Noth asked, pulling himself out of his distracted mind. R3 chirped and whirred at him before the flashing blue lights came to a stop, showing Nar Shaddaa in all of its glory. "Wow, was I that distracted?" Noth whispered quietly as he grabbed the controls, his partially tattered clothes moving with him as he aimed the fighter to land on a docking bay.

(On the Surface of Nar Shaddaa)

Somewhere in a pub, a trandoshan was cleaning glasses for two of his compatriots. As said lizard like alien set down the glasses, a beep started to sound off from the Nautolan male in smuggler garb. "Looks like R3 is home... kind of," he whispered as he grabbed a small device before pressing its singular button to silence the beeping.

The lizard man hissed with his sharpened tongue and teeth at the amphibious alien. "What do you mean, kind of, Zak?" The grey skinned alien looked up with a hand to the back of his neck. "R3 is coming into orbit, but he's moving to a docking bay instead of the bar."

The human male decked out in plenty of armor chuckles before pouring liquor into his glass. "Whelp, looks like he isn't alone," he murmured before consuming the contents of his glass. "Ambush?"

"Yes Branr, ambush," the scaled humanoid hissed in malicious delight. "I like the sound of that. Maybe another bounty, hm?" He hopped over the bar with a blaster rifle in hand, his garb covered from his chest, upper arms, and from the knee above, clawed feet clacking along the floor. "Best get to it~"

Branr and Zak glanced at each other. "Once Tarossk gets a kill-" "He can't get enough," they finished with a sigh. "I've got a bad feeling about this," Zak mumbled as he picked up his WESTAR M5 Blaster Rifle.

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