6:Give me 12days(edited)

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Life is not easy everyone is struggling their own battle, don't judge.

Whatever situation you are in Allah knows HE will never put you in situation you won't be able to handle.

One week since he came and he has been sending me messages and I saw one miscall today but I ignored I felt like replying but it felt so wrong everytime I took my phone I switched off internet and put phone aside and concentrated on reading but my mind was once again somewhere else after whole 12 years I can't again it hurts alot.

Another painful memory was when I told Mayra I liked Ayman but she told me she liked him and Ayman liked her back then who was I to interfere and separate them?she was with him all time I knew she cheated once but I thought she will change I kept silent never told anyone but now Ayman explained to me everything but still now if he will be near me he will wish to know all answers.

My head started spinning I felt dizziness I touched wall immediately and sat down on floor breathing heavily ya Allah what's wrong with me again and why me??I took painkillers which were on stand  just then saw mum rushing towards me.

"Are you okey dear?you have fever you need rest,"I heard mums concerned voice and dad came in at same time placing his hand on my forehead.

"Am fine Alhamdulillah,"I said while mum took a cloth and cold water she put cloth in cold water amd squeezed it then she placed it on my forehead while dad smiled at me and prayed on me.

"We should visit doctor again,"dad said slowly I knew what he was talking about it scared me he ahs gone through same phase I could see it he was worried.

Just as I was about to reply we heard uncle Ahmad and aunt Yumna's voices they were on door aunt Yumna immediately cam and sat next to me.

"I called them,"dad said Ayman was asking him about me all time since dad told him about my headaches.

"Give him a chance,"dad said in low voice  before they came in my room and I shook my head remembering what mum and dad suggested me and smiled towards my favourite another couple.

"Dear don't take stress you have to rest,"uncle Ahmad said and we heard another voice from the door of my room and we all glanced towards him.

There stood Ayman the missing puzzle of my life he looked tired but more handsome I have been avoiding him and now he is here.

He stared at me and I looked away ignoring his intense stare on me it was kiling me inside not to talk with him not to share anything but am afraid what if he will find someone else just like he did before?

"Can I talk to her?"I heard his voice and I played with my fingers pleading mum with my eyes but they all nodded and stood up.

"We are just next door,"uncle Ahmad said whispered but still I heard and Ayman gave him a smile and nodded.

We were in an awkward silence none of us spoke anything there was a time we were always talking and now we find time and ways to be with eachother.

I was feeling nervousness my heart was beating fast he was stamding next to bed while I lay there.

What will I even tell him?that I liked him and Mayra knew but still I let Mayra win because they both liled eachother he never liked me in first place infact I never got chance of asking him...ya Allah pleass give me strength.

"You are avoiding me again why?"he asked calmly but I knew he was controlling himself.

"Have been busy,"I just said in short and he came closer he stood right next to me.

"So busy that you din't have time to check your phone damnit,"he said and I looked away he was being mad at me he had full rights I deserve it.

"I have been so worried since I heard about your headache and  you ontop of all these ignore me,"he said in low voice and sat next to me I moved  abit it.

"I told you I have coem back to fix everything it's always been between us no other third person."

"Mayra came and you both liked eachother so I had to,"my voice broke while saying her name and I moved my head to opppsite direction

"Wait a minute, who told you I liked Mayra back?"he asked me with surprised look and I stared back at him there was silence again.

No I can't tell him I have to be silent for his sake he will be hurt if he will know who real Mayra was not the sweet girl he always knew.

"I just guessed,"I lied and I knew once he told me am terrible liar.

"You know you are terrible liar you can't even lie I have known you since diaper days,"he said and when I stared back at him he was so lost in thoughts.

Why wasn't anyone coming in room?I hope they don't leave us alone for long.

"I will tell you but please not now,"I said in my soft low voice and he just banged his hand on  bedsheet.

"Why are you doing this?why silent all time?we already lost 12years and I know it's both of our faults here I want to find out everything I like you damnit I really like you,"he said and stood up pacing to and fro in room.

"Here I said it just say it back confess and see how I make everything okey,"he came near me and said but I couldn't confess my feelings when I knew I don't have enough time I wiped my tears.

"I know you have liked me since long I found out from your mum before coming to London and  you thought I like Mayra but no I was  just was blind by the friendship her calm and sweet nature but she was cheater I liked her but when I knew she cheated I realized it was onky feelings and feelings fade,"he completed explaining to me.

"Please Ayman try and understand you will find someone better than me who will be talktive and not boring like me whose not always intouch whose always complaining like  may be someone else is waiting for you,I told him but it hurt saying those words seeing him with someone else but it's for his own good.

"I don't need anyone damnit I need you I like you can't you see and I will make you like me I will make sure you confess  just give me 12 days and see what I do for you been 12 years apart and now give me 12 days,"he said I just nodded but I knew it will be too late I would be in different situation.

"Will you give me 12days?"he asked again waiting for my reply.

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