8:She's the one I like(edited)

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So what if we are girls?we are strong enough,
So what if people judge we shouldn't care,
So what if we are girls we should work hard and make our parents proud and be independent,
So what if we are girls, together we should unite and lift one another...

I was feeling much better now I still have no idea why Ayman stayed back he had to be at his home with his parents on weeken and tomorrow he has to be at work but this stubborn guy was here with me sitting next to me.

"I stayed back for you and the 12 days start from now today it's first day,"his reply made me wonder what on earth was he upto it's almost 11pm.

Guys can be so confusing at times!!

"Your dad is busy in his office and mum in  kitchen so this means we have plenty of time talking about stuffs,"he said with a smile as if he had achieved a big goal by staying back.

"What do you wanna know Ayman?nothing will change, even if I tell you everything my decision will still be same,"I also told him firmly wihout any other stories.

"Why are you so stubborn Anisa?"he said my name after so long he was getting mad now I knew it.

"I have gone after my best friend,"I replied to his question with a smile and he just shook his head.

"I found out some months ago I have brain tumor,"I blurted out and he became still his facial expression changed into sad one he waa staring at me intensely with lots of emotion in his eyes until I looked away.

"You don't have to worry we will get you treated by the best doctor and you will be cured have faith in Allah,"he said with positive ideas just to comfort me I know I have less time it's so scary even to think about operation I always hated hospitals.

"I want to live with you and my parents I want to do so many things Ayman so many,"I told him my wishes and he listened but what was the use??

Cherish every moment of your life you never know when things will change!!
No one has promised you tomorrow...

"You will live many more years and you can't get rid of me so easily you have to come back to us,"he said while his voice broke it hurt to see him like like this he was always playful, the miachevious, arrogant but it suited him at office to be like that.

"Please Ayman you have to move on even if I surive because I have read the outcomes it's  a person changes totally I won't be same Anisa,"I said in low voice and he clenched his fist tightly with dark look on his face.

"No!means no, I will never ever give your place to anyone else no and  one can take your place in my heart,"he said with clenched hands and banged on table beside my bed.

In his heart?what did he mean by that?

"Do you want to know something Anisa?"he asked me and I din't want to know anything at moment because right on 12th day I will be in an operation room struggling.

"Since it's my 1st day from 12days  I would like you to know on first day about what I feel I like someone,
My heart beats only for one girl, I trust only one girl, I care for only one girl, I want to spend rest of my life with only one girl and she's the only one since I met her I have made many mistakes but no more I want her and I will do anything for her,"he completed with a smile.

She must be a lucky girl.

"Don't you wanna know who the girl is?"he asked while staring at me with smile on his face.

I know it's not me he liked me but spending rest of life with me after my operation if I survive?no he won't even be able to see my face there will be so many changes in me.

He deserves to be happy so if he likes someone I will make sure he will be with the girl of his dreams I won't cry out I will leave him alone..

I bit my lip and adjusted my hijab(scarf)I swallowed the lump in my throat it hurt my heart was ebating faster now with every minute.

"Yeah I want to know who the lucky girl is and who has stolen your heart,"I said while plastering smile on my face..........

He took his phone and did something I couldn't see but then my eyes widened he showed me the girls picture.

"She's the one I like and I love her I am going to propose to her today,"he said all that and my eyes widened I was confused....

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