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Beca finds herself huffing in exhaustion as she desperately tries to keep pace with the running Chloe. A few days after the cheek kiss, Chloe brought up how Beca said she wanted to work out with her. And that is how Beca finds herself now, running behind the sports bra clad Chloe while doing interval sprinting. What the hell even is that, Beca continually thinks to herself. When the ginger ahead of her comes to a stop and bends over to stretch, the brunette's eyes fail her and go right to the point of interest pointing at her.

"Time to stretch," Chloe breathes, "and get your eyes off my ass."

The ginger winks as Beca rolls her eyes and stretches with the girl. Upon the pair finishing their stretches, Chloe leads Beca back to her apartment, while jokingly rubbing her sweat on the freshman.

"You are disgusting," Beca smiles when the ginger wipes her forehead on Beca's bare forearm.

After wiping her sweat on the freshman, Chloe grabs Beca's wrist and turns it over, "How have you been doing, Becs?"

The brunette quickly retracts her arm, "Good. And I actually mean it."

The senior smile widely, "Good! You need to be good, to be ready for the Riff-Off."

Beca frowns, "Yeah, Jesse told me about that! What the hell is it?"

Chloe's expression falters when Jesse's name is brought up, but it quickly returns to normal. It was short enough for Beca to not notice. Chloe smiles, "I'll explain on the walk to my apartment, but it is your opportunity to show Aubrey the talent you have and how you can change this group."

Beca smiles and raises an eyebrow as she attentively listens to Chloe.

Twenty minutes later, Beca finds herself sprawled out on Chloe's bed as she hears the ginger belting lyrics in the shower. The brunette brushes through her wet hair from recently showering, and she listens to a variety of music on Chloe's phone to get ready for the practice Riff-Off tonight. Beca finds herself dozing off as an old Spice Girls song starts following through her earbuds.

The freshman wakes up to a kiss on her forehead. She cracks her eyes open to see luminous blue eyes way closer than she expected, almost to the point of almost having to cross hers to focus. She feels cool minty breath exhaled on her face.

Beca shakes her head to look away from the lips of Chloe and she smiles, "What are you doing, Chloe?" She laughs.

Chloe blows air on the brunettes face again, "Does my breath smell like egg?"

Beca quickly whips her head back with a befuddled expression at the random question, "Uh, no, it smells like mint. Why are you asking this?"

The ginger sits back and sighs, "Last year the Bellas captain, Alice, told me that my breath smells like egg all the time. And I've just been really self-conscious about it ever since."

The younger girl sits up, "Well don't worry about it. Your breath is perfect, just like you."

Beca means to make this sound sarcastic and as a joke, but halfway through the sentence, her tone sounds serious as she focuses in on Chloe's eyes. Chloe bites her lip, and it makes Beca lose her breath for a second. The young DJ feels the backs of her bare arms tingle as Chloe's hands make it to her arms and she rubs her hands up and down. Chloe's beautiful face blurs as it gets closer. That's when the door flies open.

"Chlo, time for the practice Riff-Off!" Aubrey's shrill voice breaks through the air.

At the sudden interruption, Beca finds herself flying off the bed. She has never moved so fast. Her mind sprints and her arms burn. Did Chloe almost kiss her? That's not okay, it's wrong. She doesn't like girls. Even though the deepest part of her brain knows she wishes Aubrey opened that door five minutes later.

Your love is killing me BechloeWhere stories live. Discover now