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Beca awakens to a loud banging sound. Her head instantly starts pounding as a hangover washes over her brain like a tsunami. The brunette can't grip her mind on anything except the raging headache as she braces herself to open her eyes. Upon opening her eyes, her headache is overtaken with panic. Chloe is sleeping next to Beca and is cuddling into the freshman's side, and upon feeling the sleeping ginger burrow her face into Beca's neck, she remembers everything from last night.

Full-fledged panic.

Beca gasps and it feels like she is trying to breathe through a straw. What the hell? She fucking kissed Chloe last night, after asking the girl to kiss her! What was Beca doing? Beca is so panicked and angry with herself she can already feel the tears soaking down to her neck. And she needs to get the hell out of this room right now, she needs to be as far away from Chloe as possible. Because Beca fears if she stays that her mind will wander to how amazing last night was, and not stay focused on how morally wrong it was.

So Beca does what she's best at, she runs away. She doesn't make it far. In a blur of tears, she manages to make it to the kitchen in the apartment where Aubrey is cooking, and she hears the girl sounding worried and quizzing her. Beca can't handle it, and as she thinks of how wrongful she was last night she pulls an Aubrey and vomits all over the kitchen floor. And then she's crumbled on the floor in a tiny ball, crying. And her mind is echoing with much of a damn abomination she is.

She hears Aubrey's panicked voice, she can't respond. She is swirling in a world of tears and regret and she's the last fucking thing from okay. Beca feels arms wrap around her and pick her up and carry her to a destination. She can feel a hand running up and down her back until the crying stops, until Beca is so mentally exhausted she can't cry anymore. She is just numb.

Beca looks through blurred eyes and sees the blonde hair of Aubrey as they sit near a toilet.

"Are you okay?" the captain asks, actually showing empathy for once.

"I'm the last thing from okay," Beca's voice scratches out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Aubrey asks.

Beca shakes her head.

"Okay, well take a shower and brush your teeth. I'm going to go clean up your puke," Aubrey comfortingly says.

When the blonde is almost out the door, Beca speaks, "Hey Aubrey, thanks and I'm sorry for last night."

"I don't regret my ideas with the Bellas, but I was being cruel to my best friend and you defended her from me, so thank you. You are good for her," Aubrey smiles and closes the door. After Aubrey closes the door upon mentioning the ginger, Beca leans over and pukes in the toilet.

Beca emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and a towel wrapped on her head around her wet hair. She is so numb and upset with herself over Chloe that all she can feel is the pain of her hangover. And the bright light in Aubrey's connected room to the bathroom doesn't help, so she goes to Aubrey's collection of sunglasses on her dresser and she grabs a pair of aviators and throws them on. Beca emerges from Aubrey's room and sees all the Bellas up and eating breakfast in the living room. They all chime the word hey, and then start laughing hysterically at Beca's humorous appearance. Even Stacie and Fat Amy pull out their phones and take multiple pictures of the posing and hungover freshman.

"Aca-scuse me? Are you wearing my sunglasses?" Aubrey asks.

"Oh shut up, they're your only non-designer pair, you're fine," Beca responds.

"She is really hungover, Aubrey give her a break," Fat Amy chimes.

"Yeah, we got DJ Lil B drunk off her ass yesterday," Cynthia Rose chimes in.

Your love is killing me BechloeWhere stories live. Discover now