Chapter 3 | Happy Birthday

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"Sure!" I say smiling.
I walked in and looked around, his room was surprisingly clean.
"It's nice-" I say turning around but stop when I see Toms face.
He was staring at me smiling awkwardly and blushing.
I decided to play dumb.
"T-Tom are you ok? what wrong?" I ask stepping closer to him.
"No no it's nothing!" He says nervously giggling.
"Are you hurt??" I ask still walking towards him.
He hit into the door and looked down at me.
I just stared at him, then felt bad. Really bad.
I hugged him.
He didn't hug back it got me scared...then he hugged me so tightly.

Toms POV
I never received hugs..if so I'd always deny them...but it was y/n, and it was her birthday.
Nope! I can't fall for her, it'll only crush my heart!

Btw I strongly ship TordTom so writing this is hard. R.I.P me.

Normal POV
I let go of the hug and looked up at him. He just stared.
"I'm going to go check on the others, maybe I can come back soon?"
Was that too much to ask?
"Y-Y-Ya of c-course you can" he says opening the door.
When I step out he pulls out a flask and takes a drink flopping on his bed.
I feel bad maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Knock knock.
Tord opens the door and holds a gun up to my head.
My eyes widen.
"Oh it's you, come in" he says putting it back into his pocket.
I enter shaking.
"You carry a loaded gun in your hoodie? Do you know what can happen??" I ask.
"Ya but I choose to not think about that." He says simply shrugging and closing the door.
He could sit, and it could shoot, and he could die, then I will die, because no.
His room is clean and has a shelf filled with hentai.
I giggle at this.
He motions to sit on the bed.
Sitting next to me, he opens a book.
I peek over and see what he's reading.
I blush and turn away.
"I tried to get Tom to read it but failed." He says breaking the silence.
earlier this morning I took the broken piece of glass I had yesterday and placed it in this hoodie. At the moment I was fiddling with it.
"Ouch..." I mumble as I take my hand out of my pocket. My finger was bleeding, I cut myself on it.
"Sorry continue..." I say sucking on the blood.
Tord quickly looks away and tenses up.
"Are you ok?"
I ask trying to change the subject. Honestly I know he wasn't hurt from this morning but I had to say something.
"Ya! Of course! It's not bugging me!" He says looking away.
He thinks he mean my blood?
"No, about this morning" I say giggling.
"Oh!" His face turns red.
"Ya...I'm sorry I was your first kiss..." he says frowning.
I awkwardly lean my head on his shoulder.
"I thought it was great..." I mumbled.
He starts tapping his foot, and clenched his fists.
I look up at him.
"Are you-" he pushes me down onto the bed.
He pins my arms above my head.
He stares down at me when tears threaten to come out.
Was he going to kill or kiss me?
"Please promise me...that no matter'll always understand? Always be there?" He says quietly.
I nod.
He then kisses me for what seemed like a full minute.
This is crazy!
He breaks the kiss.
There's an angry knock at the door.
Hey perfect timing.
He looks back at me.
Then back at the door.
He gets up and groans.
He opens the door as I lay there staring at the ceiling.
Still in shock.
"What did you do to her?!" Tom shouts rushing over to me.
"What do you mean...?" Tord says tilting his head.
"Y/n?! Yyyy/nnnnn?!" He says shaking me.
"I'm fine I'm fine!!" I say covering my face.
He removes them and stares at my face then at Tord.
"You took her first kiss! What's next?!" Tom says looking back at me.
"What's all the ruckus up here??" Edd says storming in.
"Tord stole y/n's first kiss!"
Tom shouts standing up.
"Woah woah woah, first kiss...?"
Edd says shocked.
"It's ok...just calm down....and don't fight." I say slowly while getting up.
"She's a pretty good kisser though-" Tord gets cut off by an elbow to the guts.
"Argh!" He holds his stomach.
"Why don't we get Matt and all go for a walk?" I say tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Um...ya sure!" Edd says smiling.
"Great! Let's go!!" I say grabbing Edds hand and rushing towards Matt's room.

Edds POV
Y/n grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Matt's room.
Y/n grabbed my hand.
She knocks on Matt's door softly.
"Come in~"
Wait I should probably warn her about-
Too late she opened that door and struggled to enter.
"Oh wow!! It's so cool!!!" She says looking at all the stuff.
Tom and Tord look at each other with a weird face.
"Y/n!!!" Matt tackles her to the ground.
Landing on top of her and hugging her tightly.
She gladly hugs back.
"Looks like he's getting the most love..." Tord whispers to us.
Matt gets up and offers his hand to her.
"We were wondering if you wanted to come for a walk?" Y/n says grabbing his hand.
"Would I?!" He says smiling.
"Would you...?" She asks.
She giggles.
Her laugh is so sweet...
Wait what am I doing?!?!
"So it's settled, let's go" she smiles.

~time skip~

Normal POV
We have been walking for a while now, Tord and Tom began fighting, and Edd started carrying Matt.
I couldn't ask for a better gift then this.
"Thanks guys." I say while looking ahead.
They all became silence.
"I didn't expect there to be someone out there who'd be able to accept an outcast like me...."
They all gave a confused look.
"I can never thank you enough..."
Did I say something wrong....?
"Group hug!!" Matt jumps off of Edd and rushes in to hug me.
My eyes widen as tears appear in my eyes.
I hugged back tightly.
And Edd joined in too.
Tord and Tom stood there staring at me cry.
Then Tord joined in.
Tom hates hugs.
But then came in for one anyways.
"Thank you...thank you...thank you...." I couldn't stop thanking them.
I've never received so much love...not even from my family.
They all let go as I wiped tears away.
"Best gift I've ever received..." I say smiling at them.

~time skip~

We'd already started walking down the driveway when I stopped in my car.
They others kept going but I wanted to grab my guitar. They probably don't know I play it and honestly I don't want them to.
I ran in and placed it behind a chair.
Then I walked into the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday!!"
My eyes widen.
"B-Birthday..." I never got a party after my father passed away.
I can admit I'm really sensitive, so crying to this wouldn't be a surprise.
"Thank you guys so much!!!!" I say squealing like a little girl.
We ate some pizza and then Tom got drunk,
Edd and Matt had a cola drinking competition, Edd obviously won.
We listened to some music, then watched some movies.
Tom was asleep, Tord went out for some "business" whatever that means.
Matt went to the arcade, and Edd was cleaning up.
"I can help if you want?" I ask.
"Do you mind taking the garbage out...?" He asks hesitantly.
"Of course!"
I grab my guitar case.
"I think I'm going to head out for a walk ok?"
"Of course!" He says.
I threw the garbage out and started walking.
Maybe I should go back to the swing spot?
No no that's stupid.
But I'm stupid so.....
I ran back there and sat down on the swing.
They surely wouldn't head back.
Even if they did I'm sure I could fight them off.
I sat down and pushed my glasses up.
I started strumming, the stars started to appear lighting the sky.
"There was a time...I used to look into my fathers eyes...."
"In a happy home I was a queen I had a golden thrown...."
"But those days are the memories on the walls....."
After singing the whole song the sun was finally down.
I decided to play one more son before heading out.
"I remember tears streaming down your face when you said I'll never let you go....when all the shadows almost killed your light...."
I messed up and skipped the next verse.
"Don't you dare look out your window darling everything's on fire....the war outside our door keep raging on...."
"Hold on to this lullaby...even when the musics gone...gone...."
There's a rustle in the bush but I shrug it off.
"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be already, no one can hurt you now, Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound...."
I stopped there and packed my guitar.
Then I heard clapping.
I jumped up startled.
"That was amazing!"
A little girl says appearing from a bush.
What the...
"Thanks...but what are you doing here...?" I ask her.
"I don't know...I was lost and followed the guitar!!" She says coming closer.
I lead her out of the woods and we search for her home.
We end up finding it right when the cops arrived.
Everything got sorted out and I left for home.
I checked my phone it was 11:37pm.
I was out longer then I thought...
I twisted the door handle and froze.
"It's locked..." I mumble to myself.

Yasssss hidden talenttttt

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