Chapter 13

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I really don't know what to do for this chapter and since everything has been depressing lately let's make it happy, then depressing again. XD.

I had given everyone a chocolate bar and headed upstairs, I didn't really end up talking to them.
I changed out of my bloody and dirty clothes and put them to wash.
I had already gotten cozy in my pjs. The bandages around my arm honestly made me smile a bit.
I felt cared for. My thoughts were interrupted by Tord passing by clearly trying to get my attention, and entered his room leaving the door opened just a crack.
I get up and push the door open a little.
"Great, you took my hint"

Tords POV
She shut the door and sat on my bed beside me.
"So why?" I ask her.
She gives me a confused look.
"Why would you lie." I said looking down at her arm.
"Oh simple,"
She takes a deep breath.
"Because it was ether risk my life or yours, and you have so much more to live for"
She says laying down on my lap.
"You have like....a double life"
She looks up at me and boops my noes.
"So what hentai are you reading tonight" She says looking towards a pile.
I bring one out from under my pillow.
She sits up quickly and rolls her eyes.

Normal POV
I started reading the book with him, I didn't really have anything else to do.
Then it kicked in.

Tords POV
She jumped up quickly and stared at me with fear in her eyes.
I knew there was something wrong.
She grabbed my face gently and stared at me with a concerned look on your face.
"I have so many questions..."
She starts tearing up.
"Are you hurt? How many people have you killed? How long has this been happening? Heck I don't care, let's go back to the first question!" She whisper/yells.
I stare at her.
I sigh.
"I am hurt but not physically....."
She wiped a tear off my face.
"We have fought many wars...."
"And too long........."
"I always wondered why I needed friends if I was unstoppable....."
She brought me into a hug,
"You're hurting yourself more than others are."
She whispered in my ear.
Her phone vibrated.
I read the texts as she did. you get over here?
Who's this?
Ok, what's wrong?
We made spaghetti...and thought it would be great if we bonded with this?
Oh that would be great~
Of course,
Ok, come on shorty.
Lol, be there soon.

I got up but a hand grabbed mine and stopped me.
"Are you sure?"
I nod and smile.
He sighs and lets go of me.
I get changed into a white t-shirt and skinny jeans.
I brush my hair out and head out the door.
I had to sneak past the others though.
I knock on the door, it opens and
I'm greeted with Jon.
"Hey Jon" I say while smiling.
"Hey y/n" he says enthusiastically.
He grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen table.
It was nice to have someone short like me.
The other two tenses up when I walked in, was I that scary?
I sat down and looked at the food, I was so hungry....
"Hey guys" I say smiling.
They started eating so i figured it was ok to start too.
It was delicious!!!!

I'm hungry irl right now and I'm dying writing this.

He started talking about how crazy life is.
Then they brought up the question on why I'm here.
"Oh...I ran away from my abusing mother, my father had died when I was big deal" I say giving them a reassuring smile.
"What are you, made of steel?" Eduardo asks.
It was silent for a moment.
"What happened to your arm?" Mark points.
"Oh I got shot earlier today..." I say.
"No I mean lower."
Jon shoots him a look.
"Oh these?" I examine them for a while.
"Guess I'm not made of steal." I say taking another bite.
"Sorry if I'm being so rude, I've had a rough day" I say pushing my hair back.
They still don't answer.
"So who cooked?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"Me!" Jon says raising his hand.
"It's very good, thank you" I say smiling at him.
He blushes a little.
"Anyways, wanna watch a movie?" Eduardo asks.
"Sure" I say standing up and putting my plate in the sink.
We sat on the couch as he scrolled through Netflix.
They settled on a horror movie, great.
I know what they were trying to do.
They started playing it.
Half way through Eduardo put his arm around me but it was interrupted by a text from Tom.
Hey y/n, I was just checking up on you, making sure you weren't dead and all.
Ya I'm fine, thanks for asking.
Ok, try to be back before 10:00.
Ok bye~
I place my phone down and look back at the tv screen, There was a house burning down.
My heart started racing, I was very disturbed with fires.
I brought my knees to my chest.
"Scared of fires?" Mark asks.
I look out the window and see Tord and Tom fighting in a bush.
In the backyard?
When they noticed I saw them they scrambled out.
I tried so hard not to laugh, they came to check up on my how sweet.
"Is there something wrong?" Mark says looking through the window.
"No sorry I'm just tired" I say shaking my head.

~time skip~

We finished the movie with 12 minutes to stare.
"Thank you" I say standing at the door.
"No problem!" Jon shouts giving me a thumbs up.
I hug all of them and offer to clean the dishes, of course they deny.
I was walking home when someone grabbed me from behind.
They covered my mouth and started dragging me back.
I tried to free myself and when I started giving up, I heard a familiar giggle.
"Jeez you really do give a fight."
I struggle again and punch up on his jaw.
"Ow!" He stumbles back.
"I'm sorry!" I turn around to see Tord and Tom.
Tom was on the ground laughing his butt off.
"Jeez you can really throw a punch shorty."
"Why would you do that?! I could've actually hurt you!"
I say helping him up.
"Ya right you couldn't even escape my grasp." He says accepting my offer.
"I was going to use brains." I said crossing my arms and looking away.
Tom finally stood up and wiped a tear.
"Holy muffins that was awesome."

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