Chapter 16 | Rain

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I started off by walking at a normal pace, then when I heard the footsteps get closer I started walking faster.
There was mumbling behind me...I started running and it started raining.
I took a deep breath at the fresh air as the water splashed down on me.

Tords POV
What the hell is she doing?! She's going to catch a cold or slip.
A flash of light followed by thunder lifts the darkness for a second.
She keeps running faster then I've ever seen her.
Headlights started to appear as another flash filled the sky.
"This is amazing!" She shouts running even faster.
"Shit!" She shouts as she falls backwards into a puddle.

Normal POV
I giggle at myself as I let the guys catch up.
They offer their hand and start fighting on who she would've accepted.
I get up and wait, at the corner of my eye there is a figure.
"Psst! Y/n!" They whisper.
I walk over to them.
"You need to meet me here at exactly 4:30am tomorrow." They whisper.
I still couldn't see their face.
"What, who are you?" I ask.
"Tomorrow!" They answer.

Toms POV
"Y/n? What are you doing?" I ask.
Something runs into the woods.
"We should he's back's getting scary for me..."
"I never liked the dark...she answered as if I said it out loud.
Tord laughs a little.
"Then why did-"
"Can we...just go...." she interrupts.
We began walking home, she had stayed silent the whole way letting the water merge into her tears.
She stopped moving.
"What's wrong?" Tord asked.
"Im just cold." she says slowly.
She fell to her knees as the street light above her shattered.

Normal POV
I couldn't move, not because I was cold though....
I watched the bandage on my hand slowly loosen.

Tords POV
She gets up then leans onto the lamp post.
Her bandage fell to the ground.
"Well....that was....weird." She says standing up again.
I sigh them take her on my back.
"I can...walk......." she says trying to pry off of me.
I just hold her tighter.

~time skip~

Normal POV
I sat up quickly realizing I was in a lab.
There were several others who looked pretty beaten up.
A girl that looked like me appeared at my side.
"Listen I don't have a lot of time!" She says panicking.
"Apocalypse is just around the corner!"
The other patients start turning their heads towards us.
"If you don't want to end up in this lab, turn left instead of right!"
"What's this real...?"
"It's you from the future! Take this!"
She hands me a....stick....?
She looked at me disappointed as she read my mind.
"It's not a stick dummy! It's a wand!"
"Whatever you do say no to Neil!"
Flashing red lights appear.
"Before I die here! Hurry wake up!"
I jolted awake and grabbed my heart.
I brace myself before looking down in my hand.
Please be fake please be fake.
A wand is resting the same way you took it.
It was currently 4:00am and the rain was still falling.
I felt like screaming but I didn't want to wake the others.
I had to be somewhere for 4:30am what a coincidence.
So I got dressed into my black hoodie, short-shorts, and grey thigh high socks.
I brought my wand with me and went out the door.

??? POV
I wonder if she'll actually follow her guts. I've been waiting here for about 20 minutes now.
"This is stupid." I tell myself as I begin walking away.

Normal POV
I kept walking before I started seeing a glow on the side of the road.
As I walked closer to them they stopped walking.
Then hauled out a cigar and lit it with.....magic?
I knew there was something wrong.
"Oh thank goodness you came, I was starting to give up." A male said.
"The names Neil" he said extending his hand.
He had short ginger hair, wearing all black, with a scar on his face.
I shook the hand.
"Y/'re the guy from last night?"
He shakes his head no.
"That's the boss" Neil confirms.
"Anyways, you're the one with the weird powers?" He says lifting my hair.
"Y-Yes...?" I say trying to cover my face from blush.
"Oh don't hide from me, besides" fire appears in his hands.
"Fire beats most things"
Tears well up in my eyes as I back away from him.
"Shocked? Don't be-"
I interrupt him.
"Fire.....does beat most things" I say turning my back to him.
"Anyways why did you bring me out here?" I ask.
He teleports in front of me.
He explains to me about a group of magical people who will help save the world from the apocalypse.
"So come with me." He says grabbing my arm.
"Wait no!"
Neil glares down at me, he obviously wasn't taking no for an answer.
"I won't be a help! I'll just slow everyone down! I only have the power of life not distraction." I say pulling away from his grasp.
"Yea, that's why we need you."
Don't. Don't. Don't.
I closed my eyes tightly as he grabs me.
I open my eyes slowly when rain stops falling on me.
I was home...?
Is there something I can take to forget what happened?
I'm sure there's lots.
Edd was actually awake, staring at a me.
"Oh sorry" I say grabbing some dry clothes and heading into the bathroom.
When I care back he was already asleep.
I checked on everybody, Tord was strangely awake.
"Hey Tord" I wave to him.
"Oh perfect, come here." He says holding a little box.
I sat on the bed next to him, what did he have?
Tord held the box up to my face.
"Pocky?" I tilt my head.
I've only heard of them but never actually tried it.

That's it for this chapter, there was a lot of crazy jumps and stuff but I'm starting to know where to go with this 😅.

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