Newt x young! Reader: My amazing Beastie

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"Ex-excuse me" I quietly squeaked

"Huh? Oh hello there little lady, is there anything you need?" A young man in maybe his early twenties asked me

"Y-yes I'd like to get into the bakery." I pointed towards the direction of said bakery "and you're kind of in my way. Now if you'll excuse me." I walk to the right to go around him but he moves in front of me

"You're not from around here are you?"

"What gave it away my accent? Cause I'm surprised it took you this long, now once again excuse me I have someone I need to meet." I walk to the left but once again he moved in front of me

"You know you're beautiful, I'd love to take you out sometime."

"Excuse me how old are you?" I asked


"I'm sorry I'm underage and I believe much like in Europe it is also illegal to go out with a minor here in America (A/N:I'm not sure when that became a law so just go with it), now please let me go through."

"Age is just a number baby it don't matter." At this point I was getting frustrated

"Look sir I'm trying to be as polite as I can be, I've had a long trip and I would love it if I could just go in the bakery to meet the person I'm meant to meet so please excuse me." Right when I was about to step away he grabbed my wrist yanking me back in front of him

"Now now girlie it's rude to leave without a goodbye kiss."

"Ew as if I'd ever kiss a guy like you." I give him a disgusted face

He again (A/N: damn dude take a hint 🙄) yanked me towards him making us only inches apart "Look beautiful you don't defy me so give me my kiss now!" He said through gritted teeth

Before I could respond someone pulled the man away from me "Well hello there, now may I ask what you are doing to her?" I look up to see my uncle Newt

"Look here bud leave us alone it's none of your business." The man attempts to shake my uncle off him

"Pardon me but I believe it is my business."

"Pfft why's that!" The man laughed it off turning to face me again

My uncle Newt pulled the man back to face hun and sternly said "Because she is my niece! Now leave before I report you to the authorities for assaulting (edit: thanks for pointing it out that i put assisting lmao) a minor." The man backed away from us

"Geez man no need to do that. Fine I'll leave, she wasn't my type anyways she looks too nerdy and need to lighten up a bit." He heads towards the bakery when my uncle stops him

"Sorry but you're no longer allowed in there."

"Pfft why? Do you own the place? I don't think so."

"No I don't, but my good friend Jacob Kowalski does and he adores my niece and I highly doubt he'd like to serve you after he finds out what you've done."

The man looks back to the bakery, thinks for a bit and decides to leave

I ran over to hug my uncle who I haven't seen in almost a year. "Hi uncle Newt oh my I've missed you so much."

He hugs me back "Hello there Beastie I've missed you too." You see my uncle calls me Beastie because he loved me as much as he loves his beasts

We walk towards the bakery "so how is everyone? How's aunt Tina and auntie Queenie? Is Pickett still always attached to you? It's been a year we have so much to catch up in!" I excitedly bombard him with questions

He chuckles "Tina and Queenie are fine, they're actually in the back helping Jacob with decorating, he's Pickett is still always with me oh look here he is right now."Pickett as if on que looked out of Newts coat

"Hi there Pickett" I coo at him. Upon hearing my voice Pickett quickly got off my uncle and latched himself onto me. He hugged the side of my face rubbing his small face in my cheek "Aw I missed you too Pickett." I smile while holding him close almost like a hug (??)

Uncle Newt opens the door to the bakery. The smell of fresh delicious pastries run through my nose . I look up to see a banner saying 'Welcome back (Y/N/N)' in bold black letters with yellow and red hearts around it

"Surprise!" They all yelled out

"Aw you guys! You didn't have to." I run up to them and give them a group hug, they all laugh then we pull away from the hug

"Oh oh come here cream puff I have a new pastry for you to taste." What is it with my uncles and giving me nicknames of things they love it do as an occupation.

              -time skip cause I'm lazy-

After catching up with my uncle Jacob and my aunts I finally went to the room I'll be staying in and unpacked

"Knock knock".

"Come in"

"Hey Beastie."

"Oh hey uncle Newt!" I turn around to greet him with a smile. He walks over to the bed and sits down, then looks at me and pats next to him indicating for me to sit down with him.

"So how has Hogwarts been?" The one question I hoped no one would ask

"O-oh you know pretty good in learning and such!" I forcefully smile. He places his right hand in my left thigh

"Don't lie to me (Y/N/N)" I sigh

"Well how do you think it's going?!? They still disown me for not being in Gryffindor or Slytherin, call me a freak for fantasizing about beasts and for spending all my free time to learn more. Dumbledore tried to stop the bullying from time to time but I've asked him to stop because people started to say 'They should expel you like your uncle Newt, who knows maybe you'll unleash a beast as well' I mean they don't even know the real story of it! I'm a freak to most of Hogwarts, the only people that aren't mean to me is the entire Hufflepuff House!"  I feel tears stream down my cheeks  "No matter what I do I'm never good enough for them." He wipes my tears away and says

"Beastie it doesn't matter what they say, What matters is what you want. You think I'd be where I'm at if I had listened to what others had to say? So what if you're not like anyone else, you're special and unique, you're my amazing little Beastie." He moves a strand of my hair behind my ear "And I wouldn't change anything about you." He smiles down at me making me smile back up at him

I mutter a small "Thank you"

He leans down to kiss my forehead and whispers "you're welcome" he pulls away "Now come one let's go see all the beasts, yeah?" I smile even more

"Yeah lets go."

"Let's go home Beastie."

And with that he opens his suitcase and I step in looking around to see all the beasts and finally after a year of feeling alone and outcasted, I finally felt at home.

Okay so it's short and took forever I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed! It's also not good I'm sorry I'll try to do better next time. I just started school but this is a good thing cause lately I've just been sleeping for slacking off and now I have something to do while in class which is to write 😂 of course only when I'm done with the assignment, bye💖

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