Tom Riddle x Reader: The Mudblood

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A/N: I'm sorry that I'm bad at updating and writing, but thank you for staying with me!

Tom Riddle, a manipulative liar, rude, arrogant, selfish just an ugh of person. Everyone including the teachers say he's charming but under all that facade you know he isn't one bit. Yet here I am falling head over heels for this handsome lump of trash. It doesn't even matter I'm a Muggle-born and not worthy of him (according to him at least). Currently, I'm in the library trying to study all the magical creatures I can because they've interested me since the day I got here.

"Hey, Mudblood." I look up to see the one and only Tom Riddle on the other side of the table. Annoyed at his behavior I look back down to my book humming a response.


"Firstly look at me when I speak to you, you filth." he scoffs at me "and secondly hand over that book I need it for class." I look back up at him then back to my book shaking my head. I hear nothing for a while so I continue reading. Then the book gets swept off my hands "listen here Mudblodd-"



"(Y/N) (L/N) that's my name no need to call me a Mudblood but if you insist on calling me by anything else then call me (N/N)." flustered by what I just said Tom struggled to say words

"I um well um."

"What is it Riddle a little flustered are we? Hufflepuff caught your tongue? I may be a Hufflepuff but I won't stand around letting you insult me for something I couldn't control or have a say in it; look Riddle I may seem inferior to you" I stand up and look him straight in his eyes " But I will not let YOU" I point a finger to his chest "bring me down. I was brought here to Hogwarts for a reason if I were any less than you then I would have gone to a Muggle school and gone to college and get a job that would lead me to meeting my husband just like the rest of my cousins." I step forward making him step back and out of my way " now if you excuse me I'll be heading to my common room." I take the book out of his hand and walk away.

-Tom P.O.V-

What, what just happened? Did that Hufflepuff just stand up to me? I look around the room confused by what just happened. I didn't know a Hufflepuff I could such a thing, they're nice and clumsy, but this girl she stood up to me not afraid of the consequences. She is cute I'll give her that..... WAIT WHAT?!? What are you thinking Tom?? I can't find her attractive she's a Hufflepuff and a Mudblood for fucks sake! Ugh, I think I might be getting sick cause there's no way I'd find her attractive. I walk away with her still in my mind.

- A few days later- (still in toms pov)

I still can't seem to get that Puff out of my head and recently I've been noticing her more and more. I mean before I didn't even know who she was let alone realize her existence, but now I notice everything about her. The way she smiles when someone makes a joke, how her eyes sparkle when she reads that book about Magical Creatures, her personality lightens up the mood not only cause she's a Hufflepuff there's just something to her that makes everyone smile and feel comfort with just her essence. I shouldn't have been so mean to her cause now she hates me, every time I catch her eye or walk her way she turns all red and runs away. She's so angry at me that her face boils. I really need to forget about her there's no way a cute Hufflepuff like her would go out with a rude Slytherin as myself. Not to mention I shoul-

I was caught off mid-thought as a small figure bumps into me, I look down to see it was her. Her (E/C) eyes look into mine and I'm dazed by them. She quickly looks down, shakes her head, mumbles a sorry and tries to head off. 

- Your POV-

God, I'm so stupid UGHHHH!! I can't believe I just bumped into him of all times. I try to quickly leave but before I leave any further a hand grabs my writs. "Let go I need to get back to my common room." I quietly say look back at him

"I need to talk to you." he said back with a stern look. Oh no, what did I do? Was I too rough that day? Does he hate me now? 

"O-Oh can we talk la-"

"No we must talk now or else you're just going to avoid me."  he dragged me off to one of those outdoor areas we have randomly around Hogwarts. He looks down at me, his dark eyes (A/N no one really knows his eye color lmao I googled it) piercing into my (E/C) ones. He sighs grabs my shoulders and says "I'm really starting to hate you." my eyes widen I knew I was too harsh that day. 

"I-I-I'm sorry" I stutter out looking down at my feet

He sighed, coming closer to me he grabs my chin and makes me face him "Don't apologize, love its not your fault. Well in a way yes but I don't hate you hate you its just well." I see a tint of pink start to form on his cheeks. 

"It's just what?" he lets go of my face and turns around. Frustrated he throws his hands in the air and paces back and forth 

"Its just I don't know lately I've been having these feeling that won't go away."

"What feelings exactly?"

"I,...I think I might like you.." I stay silent shocked by what I just heard. There's no way he could like ME I mean I'm a Hufflepuff AND a Muggle!! 

"Is this some sort of sick joke?" he turns back to face me with a hurt expression on his face which quickly left and turned serious 

"No, why would I ever joke about this?"

"I don't know!" I lift my hands up in frustration "You are THE Tom Riddle! The guy that despises muggles and half-bloods and wants us all dead! Then you come over and tell me that you MIGHT like me!?!?! Is your little group of goons around?" I walk around looking for them "Haha very funny you got me guys, you got me to think that the guy I like likes me back. Now please come out so I don't waste my time."  I don't see them hiding anywhere so frustrated I look back at him "Where are they? I thought they never left your side." putting one hand on my hips I give him a look and raise my eyebrow. He walks closer to me and tries to say something but I cut him off before he can even get a chance. "Firstly how did you even find out I liked you? I hadn't told anyone but my best friend, oh my did she tell you? Ugh, I told her not to, secondly how dare you play this stupid prank on m- hmph." I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine, my eyes widen as I start to realize what is going on and I try to push him away but he grabs my wrists until I stopped trying to get out of his grasp. Giving up on trying to escape I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, he grabbed my hips pulling me closer deepening the kiss. It was bliss, better than I ever expected or imagined. He pulled away unfortunately leaving me dazed and shocked.

He leans in and whispers in my ear "Is that proof enough?" walks back and gives me a smug look " You talk too much you know." Then walks away leaving me confused and flustered all in one.

A/N: I'm sorryyyyyy I've been having  writers block but here you go its shorter, simple and okay ish to read thank you for bearing with me.

Harry Potter: Hufflepuff reader one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora