Fred x Reader: Wife?

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A/N: I'm having a bit of writer's block at the time being so I'm just going to make shorter stories either based on real-life events or my dreams since I can't think of anything oh and this is based in present time so 2018 thank you!

"Oh don't forget about today's picnic (N/N)!" (F/N) said to me while we were walking to the great hall

"How could I forget? We've literally been planning it for the past week." I giggle as I remember all the times we almost got in trouble with Snape for planning it during his lesson.

"Not only that but the twins and the "golden" trio are going to be there as well! We haven't hung out with the twins in foreverrrrr." (F/N) clung onto me while saying forever making me giggle again

"It has been a while, hasn't it? Well, I don't blame them they're pretty busy." We walk into the Great Hall and continue to plan the picnic

-time skip cause I'm lazy-

We finally were done setting up the picnic well almost I still had to go to my room to get the chocolate covered strawberries I made this morning with the help of the house elves, I let them take a few for themselves I'm not selfish. "I'll be right back I need to get the strawberries!" I yell to (F/N).

"Okay! If they get here before you do I'll try to stop them from eating everything." they yelled back 

I run off to the common room quickly grab the strawberries and make my way back to the picnic. When I got there I saw (F/N) chasing George around casting "Accio" to any food he kept grabbing. I giggle and yell out "I'm back (F/N)!"

"Oh thank goodness, these two were driving me nuts!" they(I'm using they since idk if you want a guy or girl or nonbinary friend) pointed to George and Ron

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" both George and Ron yelled out making me giggle even more

¨Oh you two I was only gone for a little, I'm upset that you couldn't wait for me." I pout giving them both puppy dog eyes. They look at me and while Ron felt bad and put the food he was holding down, George on the other hand just stuck his tongue out at me and continued to run around.


"No no its okay (F/N) I guess Georgie just won't get any of my famous chocolate covered strawberries or homemade cookies I made as a surprise for the twins. Freddie dear you'll have the cookies all to yourself and don't you dare share any with George." at that George immediately stopped 

"NONONONONO I'm sorry! I'll put the food down! See! See!" he gestures down to the food he just placed back on the picnic blanket  

"Nope sorry you had your chance." I stick my tongue out at him making him pout

I feel arms wrap around me from behind I turn to see Fred " Aw come on (N/N), you know my brother is an idiot he couldn't help himself."  I sigh turning to face George 

"He is a bit of an idiot isn't he. Alright alright he gets a pass this time only cause  I feel like being nice." I stick my tongue out at him once more "Just cause I'm Hufflepuff doesn't mean I'll go easy all the time." Fred lowers his head down to my ear and whispers

"Thanks love" making me shiver 

I around to see everyone staring at us. "Oh um we should get started, don't you think?" at that I scurried away to the blanket and sit down next to (F/N). The picnic finally started and we all laughed and had fun. At some point Ron and Harry started showing off the magic they have just learned and me being the person I am both praised them and warn them of the dangers of that certain spell and how they should be careful not to hurt anyone. I sort of babied the trio as I would clean their faces if they got dirty, had a first aid kit in case someone did get hurt and overall being a mom friend.

"Wow (N/N) you're such a mum honestly." Ron pointed out while I was cleaning (F/N)'s face since Ron had thrown a pastry in trying to start a sort of food fight, didn't work since I immediately stepped in and scolded Ron.

"Am I? I mean when I hang out with you all I do feel like I'm a single mother." I laugh out 

"Why single? I mean yes you do act like a mother but no need to be single, I'm sure there's someone else in the group mature enough to be your "husband"." (F/N) asked, I think about it and shrug 

"Honestly is there anyone else that's mature enough? Have you seen you? The only other mature one is Hermione but she's more of a daughter than anything else. My perfect daughter if I do say so myself." I wink towards her making her giggle. 

"Well, why not one of the twins?" Harry asked

"Well if it's one of the twins it'd have to be Fred he is the more mature one of the pair." (F/N) mentions, that's when I feel arms wrap around me again and pull me onto a lap

"Hm (N/N) being my wife? Doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. In fact, it sounds like a great idea, doesn't it love?" he whispers that last part in my ear 

"I-I um I don't see the problem with it, but Fred and I aren't dating so w-wouldn't that be awkward?" I stuttered out barely being able to come up with a sentence 

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward." George said finally deciding to chime into the conversation

"I-I suppose you're right." that's all I could come up with

"It's settled then you and my brother are basically married now." George chuckles a bit during the last part, then the conversation about that stopped. The picnic continued and the entire time I sat on Fred's lap, I tried to get off and sit normally but he'd either sit me on him again or wrap his arms tighter around me. Eventually, I gave up and just let him hold me, at some point however he started nuzzling into my neck and leave soft small kisses making me squirm out of shock making the others look at me in confusion. 

"(N/N) you okay?" they asked

"Yeah love, you okay?" Fred looked up at me with a sly smirk.

I look back up at the group "Yeah Yeah sorry I thought I saw a spider is all." then face Fred again and give him a 'wtf' face

"Oh okay well then can you come help me with something then if you don't mind." (F/N) asked

"Yeah, sure!" I try to get up but Fred wouldn't let me "Freddie can you let go, please? (F/N) needs my help." 

"Hmm no I don't want you to leave." he answered while shaking his head 

"But Fred I want to help her."

"Well too bad. You're my wife, not hers' she can ask someone else to help." He then stands up somehow picking me up as well bridal style and walks away.

"FRED WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME???" I yell out wailing my arms and legs trying to get out of his grip

"Anywhere but here." leaving me in shock I turn to see everyone else just as confused, I raise my arms up as if to say 'I don't know either' and with that we left the picnic or so I thought because he instantly said "Oh I forgot the cookies, we might as well go back and stay a little longer." why oh why do I have a little crush on this idiot?

Welp it's short and simple, but it's something. Once again sorry I haven't updated in a while my life is all over the place at the moment lmao anyway hope you have a great rest of your day!

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