Part 8: See you soon

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Warning!: This story contains spoilers for season 2 of Dirk Gently. I suggest that you watch it before reading this story or you won't understand what I'm getting at!

You stood there in the midst of the blue stars, waiting for Hugo to wake up. His body lay on the cold, black ground. Surprisingly, his wounds had been healed while you still had bullet holes in your stomach and shouldef and the double bladed cuts in your chest. "Why am I not dead?" You thought aloud as you floated toward Dirk's star. "Back to being a Holistic guide. Dying twice is harsh." You said quietly before reaching out your hand and touching the star. "See you soon Dirk. I love you." You whispered and closed your eyes to see Dirk sitting on the hood of their truck that had been procured by Project Moloch. Dirk was looking around, trying to find out where the voice came from. He held the note that you had given him close to his chest. "Come back soon." Was the last thing that he said before you were ripped out of your trance by a new voice. "Now I get it." The voice said full of wonder. You floated down and landed behind Hugo. He was looking around in absolute amazement and you were considering leaving him there for a while but that would be a crime on the universe so you gently grabbed his shoulder. He whipped around quickly, confused at who would be there disturbe him. "Hey Hugo. Welcome to the Universe. It's time to teach you a few things." You stated before walking in front of him. "Are you ok (Y/N)?!" He half yelled and pointed toward your wounds. "I'm fine." You said before pulling him with you. "You are the Holistic Messenger, Hugo. Here. Take this." You said calmly as your reached your hand out and dropped a blue crystal into his hand. It shone for a few seconds before dissolving into his skin. Hugo looked bewildered and his red Mandelbrot eyes widened. "Wow. That's really cool!" He said before jumping up toward a star and touching it. "You tell them what to do now and help guide them." You said vefore turning around and walking towards a large red circle. "Where are you going?" Hugo asked and you stopped infront of the swirling red color. "My work here is done. I'm going to Dirk." You said before waving goodbye and stepping into the portal. "We will meet again, friend."

"See you soon Dirk."

((A/N) Hey...shortest chapter because I am lazy...sorry. I will be out with a new one soon though. Bye.)

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