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Ok so during the night they detransformed since that it doesn't last forever so that means that they are now Adrien and Marinette

Adrien wakes up, rubs his eyes and analyzes the room. He realizes that it's not his home since that all the walls are pink.

"So much pink haha makes me think of Marinettes room 😂"

He try's to get out of the bed but then realized that he was
N A K E D !

He panics and Plagg comes out from wherever he was and clams Adrien down.

Aiden hears movement and feels the sheets move.

He gets scared and sees that the sheets are pink too.

Adrien slowly begins to look at the direction of the movement and sees blue hair in messy pigtails.

He freaks out and falls off the bed.

Marinette wakes up but before she could see Adrien he transforms into ChatNoir.

Marinette sees chat noir and and freaks out.

Adrien (Chatnoir) looks at Marinette and blushes like crazy and looks away.

Marinette sees him freak out so she looks to see why and that's when she realized she was Naked and that Chatnoir saw the top half of her body.


She grabs the pink sheet and covers herself.

"Ummm princess what happened?"


"So was I princess"

"Thanks Chat that totally made the situation way better🤦🏻‍♀️"

Marinette starts to feel something in her throat and starts to run to the bathroom with her sheet wrapped around her.

Chat follows her and hears her throwing up.

Chat decides to look for some clothes for Marinette.

She comes out of the bathroom and wipes her mouth.

She sees the clothes on her bed and grabs them.

"Thanks Chat"

She goes behind a wall and changes.

Chat decides to look around.He goes towards her computer. Chat stares at it and gets reminded of when they practiced playing that one video game but as Adrien of course.

He smiles and bumps the mouse by accident and turns the computer on.

He looks at it and sees her screen saver. There was a collage of pictures of him with hearts.

Chat starts to blush and he turns around to face a wall and sees more pictures of him.

Chat starts to freak out and falls unconscious.

Marinette comes out from behind the wall and sees Chat.

" Omg Chaton are you okay? What happened?"

Chat doesn't wake up

Mari decides to get water and dumps it on him.

He wakes up

" What happened?"

" I don't know? I started looking for you and found you laying on the floor"

"I guess I passed out"

She helps him back up.

Chat looks at Marinette's alarm clock and sees the time.

" OH gawd I'm late!!"

Chat leaves and heads for work

The Big Reveal (A miraculous Ladybug short story)Where stories live. Discover now