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Adrien and Marinette were in shock since they were pretty sure it was gonna end up positive. Sabine tells Adrien he can stay over since it was getting dark outside.

-Oh mom you don't have to we can just leave and go back home!

Adrien just stands there not knowing what to say. Marinettes dad heard the conversation and tells him to stay too. Adrien ( the boy that da daddy issues ) agrees immediately.

- Mom where is his he going to sleep?
-Up stairs in your room? There's no where else.

They both blush. Marinette was pretty confused to how her parents are letting her have a boy sleep in her room (She forgot that she's an adult now so it doesn't matter).

Adrien and Marinette both go up to her room. Adrien looks around and gets hit by nostalgia while Marinette takes advantage and runs everywhere hiding all of her Adrien pictures.
The nostalgic boii just kept looking around remembering all the times he came over. Wether it was as Adrien or Chat noir he was having fun. 

Marinette was looking at Adrien wondering what the hell he was doing. She found it kinda cute having him look so happy. Mari while looking at him realizes that he's got nothing to sleep with.

-H-hey um Adrien?

- Yeah?

- I was just wondering if you needed any change of clothes? And if you do I can give you something?

- Oh that's right I don't! Um I'm fine with anything.

Marinette looks in her dresser for something that would fit. While she searches Adrien decides to sit cris-cross apple sauce on the floor. He looks at Marinette destroying her dresser and sees something red and black.

The boi with the ladybug obsession starts to fangirl internally and Mari notices.

-What's wrong Adrien?

- Uhhh is that perhaps a ladybug clothes?

- Yeah it's a ladybug onesie I made. It's too small for you though.

- Awwww

- I have a Chat noir one you could wear. I can wear the ladybug and you the chat noir?

( yeah I know realistically they would never wear them because it would risk their identities but idcccccc)

- Okay sounds fun

Marinette throws the one at Adrien and goes behind her divider to change. Fan boi blushes when he sees Marinette in her ladybug onesie. He also notices that she put her hair up in a messy bun.( She did it so that he doesn't find out because of her pigtails)

Adrien gets up quickly goes behind the divider to change. Of course Marinette had the same reaction but x100. Adrien sit down criss-cross again on the floor and take out his phone. He puts on his hood with cute cat ears and takes a selfie.

- Hey Mari come over here!


She sits down beside Adrien but not too close. He then grabs her, pulls her closer and takes a selfie. Obviously he then posts it on instagram (@adrienagestebrand) and our girl Alya sees it. Thing is Alya was so shocked that she dropped her phone and broke it so that means no fangirl Alya.

Ok since you guys wanted a chapter I tried to finish this one quickly. I wasn't sure whether or not I should would put the sleepover in this chapter or make it a chapter in its own. And as always sorry for any grammar mistakes ;)

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