The discovery

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They both walk up towards the door to leave the lobby but get stopped in the middle of their tracks.
Chloë jumped onto Adrien full of happiness. Marinette cleared her throat and made it clear she did not want to wait and watch Chloë harassing Adrien.
- Why is Dupain-Cheng here? Why are you always with her and not me? Ugh Marinette you mean nothing to Adrien go back to your stupid bakery!
- No thanks Chloë my so called "bakery" is a famous fashion Industry that I own and created. So you're welcome for your clothes, I see you like my designs since you're wearing them.
-Utterly ridiculous!
Adrien pushes Chloë away "nicely"and walks to get Marinette. Chloë shocked watches them walk towards the door and leave her.

Adrien brought Marinette towards another door and when he opened it she saw a giant room filled with models, designer clothes, they had so many things she could not even think anymore.

She stood there amazed by how she's actually in La mode d'Émilie. She walked with Adrien not knowing where she was going. He brought he brought her to the design department that was beside the catwalk. She was in the middle of the giant room so she could see everything that was happening.
-Marinette if you become my designer this would be where you would work when you come visit and you could also work at your company too.

She was so amazed by what she was seeing. She agreed to his offer but with the help of her best designer. He gave her the code so that she could come in at anytime she wanted and left her to look around if she wanted to.

Marinette looked around the studio and met a bunch of people and learned things about Adrienˋs agency. She made her way to the second floor and found his office.

She knocked on the door, nobody answered. She opens the door and saw a cute black cat run up to her. She looked at the name tag and it had the name Plagg ingraved on it. She stood there shocked because she remembered when she had to transform with chat noirs kwami it told her that his name was Plagg and it was a CAT KWAMI! She thought to herself it must be a coincidence it had to be. No way in hell chat noir could be Adrien.

She ran out the office and down the stairs. She sprinted through the studio and into the lobby. Adrien was trying to kick out Chloë and noticed Marinette trying to walk out the lobby (also trying to hide from him)
- Marinette text me later with your answer!

She got in her car and went home for the day thinking about what she discorvered.

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