Chapter two; Quirk Evaluation

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Well, fuck.

A quirk evaluation on the first day of school? Are you kidding me? You know what? Forget it. I'll be fine, I got in through recommendations after all, how hard could it be?

I looked around the classroom and what you could call mixed reactions. Some were stunned, others totally fine. One kid looked like he was about to cry.

Wait a minute, it's that kid from the entrance exam... ugh what was his name.

I recognized the green-haired boy from the exam on TV a few weeks ago, I had watched it with my sister and Hinata, mostly watching for one of my good friends, Uraraka.

Midoriya... Izuku?

Eh, close enough.

" Go change into these uniforms, come outside as soon as you're done. "

I should probably figure out the teachers name too, huh?

- - - - - -

Everyone made their way to the designated locker rooms, changing into the school manufactured work out clothes. One by one, everyone made their way out to where the evaluation was being held.

Aizawa called spikeball guy up front to demonstrate how this test would go. He gave him a ball, and told him to throw it as far as he could, using his quirk.

Once blondie had thrown the ball, the little gadget that Aizawa was holding read his score; 705.2  meters. Not bad.

We quickly went on with the other test, first up being a fifty meter dash.

Easy, I can use my quirk for this.

I got in position for the last race next to this Shoji guy, getting ready to unearth some giant vine.

Once the timer went off, I started surfing on one giant vine, shooting out water so I could slide a bit easier.

I came in at 5.13 seconds, two seconds after my competitor.

" Hey! Good job! I was never good at running, aha.. " I smiled at the six-armed guy, he seemed nice

" Thanks... "

Not much of a talker, eh?

Suddenly a sharp pain rang in my head.

Gah! Migraine! I need water.

" Uh, Mr.Aizawa, do you mind if I get water? " I clenched a fist to my head " I used to much of my own just then, aha... "

" Make it quick. "

                                    - - - - -
Soon after I got back, we continued in the evaluation, competing in grip strength, standing long jump, and then the ball throw.

When it was almost my turn, I thought carefully about what I should do, deciding on one thing when it was my actual turn.

Throwing the ball, I shot water out of my hand, quickly switching to using the plant half of my quirk, making a giant vine bat it farther away. I stopped when it felt appropriate.

I looked to Aizawa
" 908.3 meters "

I smiled, knowing I made Atsuko proud.

Proceeding to quickly topple into a mess on the ground.

" Water. Please " I tried speaking up, but my mouth felt like cotton.

" Here. " all I saw was a water bottle in front of my face, which I gladly took, and re-hydrated myself. " Cmon, let's get you to recovery girl so you can get properly hydrated. "

I looked up, a saw the one of the other kids in this class who got in through recommendations.


I passed out, if you couldn't tell.

                                    - - - - -

When I woke up, I was in recovery girls office, water being pumped into me. Looking around, I notice a few things.

For one, it's night time.
Two, Atsuko is asleep in a chair next to me.
Three, I'm hungry.

" Oi, Atsuko, wake up " I threw a pillow at my sister, smacking her in the face

" AH, oh, it's just a pillow " she grabbed it, and hen handed it to me, realizing that I was awake
" YO WAIT YOU'RE UP " she gave me a hug, and then sat back down.

" So, how long was I out this time? " I smirked at my sister, it was a running joke in between us, seeing as we both used water in our quirk, and we both passed out for the same reason.

" Eh, three hours, normal " reaching over to ruffle my hair, she grinned " Recovery Girl said I need to be here until you wake up, so I'm gonna take out the drip and leave her a note so I can go back home, 'Kay squirt? "

" M'kay " I flashed a smirk up at my older sister.

" Alright, get some sleep, drink water, and make sure to do good in class tomorrow, you gotta be my hero, remember? "

" yeah yeah, love you "

" love you too "

- - - - -
When I got up the next morning, I saw a pile of clothes stacked on the chair Atsuko had been sleeping in, along with a note.

" You're sister left you a clean uniform, change into it and you can go to class "

- Recovery Girl

I quickly changed out of the clothes I was wearing yesterday into the fresh set I was left, shoving the others into my school bag.

With that, I set off for another day in class 1:A.

As I opened the door, several people were already there, including Todoroki, Momo, and Iida.

" Y/n! Are you okay? " Iida ran up to me " A lot of us were worried after you were taken to the infirmary! "

I stumbled back a bit, surprised the glasses-clad boy was talking to me.

" Ah! Sorry for my rudeness, My name is Tenya Iida, I know you're name just because it was said so many times during the evaluation. "

" Hah- it's okay, and yes my name is Y/n Okumura, and thank you for introducing yourself, I haven't really gotten to talk to anyone yet, aha.. "

" Of course! If you don't mind me asking, why did you pass out during the evaluation? "

" Ah, yeah... well my quirk, nature's daughter, uses both water and plants, the plants can be manipulated, since they're everywhere, but water isn't, so I have to use my own body's water to shoot it out, which causes very fast dehydration as you can imagine, haha.. " I scratched the back of my head, noticing the few people that were here had come over to listen

" Wow! Your quirk must be very strong, Y/n! " a guy with spiky red hair stuck his hand out towards me " Eijiro Kirishima " I took his larger hand and shook it, trying to be polite " Y/n Okumura "

" Y/n! " I turned around and saw Uraraka running towards me " Are you okay? "

I giggled as she toppled into me for a hug

" Of course I am, I promised you I would try to not use too much of my body's water "

" I know, but I saw how hard you were working, and I got worried, and when Todoroki-kun carried you off to recovery girl's office, I-"

" What? Who carried me? "

" Huh? Todoroki-kun did. "

I looked across the classroom at the two-toned boy who was staring out of a window.

- - - - -

I seriously didn't know how to end that, but I did so WOOP DE DOO. Are y'all happy? It's a longer chapter! I haven't done a chapter that long since I was writing BlackBird, yikes.

Anyways, hope you liked it, I'll be workin on the next chapter! Bye!

Frozen Over ( Shouto Todoroki x reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon