Chapter three; friends

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A new day at UA high started, Bakugo yelling at Midoriya, Uraraka getting me to drink loads of water, Iida lecturing us all.

It was pretty great. Being a student in class 1-A was amazing, and seeing as I was friends with pretty much everyone, I couldn't ask for more.

As I was sitting down at lunch one day, I decided to ask Izuku about a certain character in our class.

" Hey, Izuku, what do you know about Todoroki? " I looked up at the green haired boy who sat across from me.

" Huh? Todoroki? Well, his father is Endeavor, the number two hero, and his mother isn't a hero, other than that, I don't know much about him, " the boy scratched the back of his neck " Sorry Y/n.. "

" No, no! It's fine! " I smiled, and continued talking to my tablemates about random things that came up.

                                    - - - - -
After lunch, I sat in my designated chair in the back, in-between Uraraka and Todoroki.

Turning to my left, I addressed the half and half boy.

" Excuse me? I'm sorry, but I never got to formally introduce myself before I passed out yesterday, aha... anyways! My name is Y/n Okumura, how are you? " I stuck my hand out towards him, giving him a smile.

" Shouto Todoroki, and really, it was no big deal. " he grabbed my hand and gave a firm but short handshake.

" Oh, by the way, were you the one who carried me to Recovery Girl's office? All I remember is blacking out and then waking up there. "

" Yeah, that was me, again it wasn't a big deal, "
He looked sideways at me " But if you don't mind me asking, why did you pass out in the first place? "

Ah geeze, I have to explain this again,

" Oh! Right, well my quirk, nature's daughter, uses water and plants. One of my abilities is to shoot water out of my hands, but the thing is I have to use my own body's water, which can lead to me being very dehydrated. Usually I keep a water bottle with me at all times, but I was going to be late so I forgot it.. " I smiled sheepishly.

" Oh. " all he did was nod, and then looked back down at his desk.

I guess that's it for that conversation.

                                     - - - - -
As I was walking to lunch, Uraraka stopped me halfway through my sentence.

" Y/n, do you think that Todoroki is cute? " she stared at me with her giant eyes

" Wah?! Why would you think that, Uraraka..! " I waved my hands frantically in front of me, " All I did was talk to him!! "

" Hah, I guess you're right, aha... let's forget about it! To lunch! " the brunette grabbed my hand and started to march towards the cafeteria.

As we sat down with Izuku and Iida, jumping in on the conversation.

" Ah! Y/n and Uraraka! Have you heard? We get our hero costumes tomorrow! " Izuku happily told us the news.

" Awesome! " Uraraka smiled

Ah, I let Atsuko design mine, seeing as she still uses hers to this day.

" Cool! All though I don't know what mine looks like, aha.. "

" Huh? Why not? " Iida looked across the table to me, quirking an eyebrow

" Aha.. my sister did it for me, I was too busy with school to do it myself, " I nervously rubbed my head " I hope she didn't to anything too inappropriate! "
  Everyone started to laugh, making my heart flutter.

I'm glad I have friends.

                                          - - - - -
Back in the class room, Aizawa, as I had learned to call him, began to explain what would happen tomorrow.

" As I'm sure most of you know, tomorrow you will be getting your hero costumes, after that we will be doing another test, you'll get more information about that tomorrow "

Excited chatter filled the room, including everyone, except for me and Todoroki, of course.

" Quiet down everyone, " Aizawa looked across the room " You'll get into your costumes, and then we'll go from their, understood? "

" Yes sir! "

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I know that this chapter was shorter, but I'm trying to update every three days, okay? That's fine? Also! I just wanted to state that Satou Rikidou ( big lips boi ) doesn't exist in this fanfic, I needed equal numbers, so, sorry for any Rikidou stans out there! Alright, I hope you liked this chapter, have a good day!

Frozen Over ( Shouto Todoroki x reader )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz