Chapter 5; ding

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I laid down on my stomach, covered in blankets. Jesus, why is it so cold in here. I rolled around, encasing myself in more and more blankets, becoming the ultimate burrito.
Much better.

Rolling onto my stomach, I grabbed my phone and plugged my earphones in, starting to listen to music covers from various anime's from my favorite MeTuber.

" Fate can screw itself and die... " I scrolled through the feed on a few social media accounts, seeing as I rarely check them. Liking a few pictures of friends that started their first days in regular schools, I quickly switched back to MeTube to watch some different videos.

After watching a few, I started binge-watching a playlist of a let's play, starting in on the seventh episode.

* Ding *

My eyes wandered to the top of my screen, looking at the text message I had just received.

/Unknown\ ; Hey, it's Todoroki Shouto.. you said to message my name to you, so.. I did..


Todoroki-Kun just messaged me.
Todoroki-Kun just messaged me.

I calmed myself down a bit, quickly typing my reply to the half-and-half male.

/Me\; Hey Todoroki! Thanks for messaging me, I was worried you wouldn't even bother, aha...

/Todorki-Kun\; Why would you think that?

/Me\;  I don't know, you're just so cool! I just thought you wouldn't want to waste your time.

/Todorki-Kun\; I don't consider talking to one of my friends a waste of time.

We're friends? I mentally screamed, kicking the blankets that were wrapped so securely around me off. FOCUS, FUCKING FOCUS, DON'T MESS UP RIGHT NOW.

/Me\; Awww, Todorki, I'm your friend!?!

/Todorki-Kun\; what did you call me?

/Me\; Nothin! Anyways, I gotta finish something, talk to you later!! Bye Todoroki-Kun!

/Todorki-Kun\; Bye

I can't believe that I just texted with fucking Todoroki.

                                     - - - - -
After I got over the little shock of texting Todoroki, I decided I wanted to train a little bit, so I hit up Kirishima, Denki, and Sero in our group chat to meet me in the gym.

" Yo! (Y/n)! " Denki called out when the three boys entered, prompting me to quickly wave them over.

" You losers ready? " I took a quick swing of water from my bottle, getting ready to sweep the floor with at least one of my friends.

" Hey! Who are you calling a loser? " Kirishima dove out towards me and tossed me over his shoulder

" Kirishima! " I beat against his shoulders, and eventually had the bright idea to blast water down the back of his pants.

" Not cool! " he shouted as he ran to the locker room.

I turned to Denki and Sero, who has doubled over laughing.

" Lets start stretching while we wait for him " I said, wiping tears from my eyes

A few minutes later, Kirishima stalked back in and started to stretch next to me

" I am going to destroy you " he said while glaring at me

" We'll see about that, block brain "

" Hey! "

Pretty soon we got up to fight, me against Denki, Kirishima against Sero

I got in my battle stance, thinking about how difficult it will be for me to battle Denki. Since half of my quirk is based around water, and water carries electric currents, I'll have to rely on my plant abilities a little more than usual.

" Ready Pickachu? "

" Why of course Katara "

I immediately shot some seeds at Denki, making them burst at the very last moment, catching my electric friend by surprise.

" Say aloe to my little friend " I snickered as the vines wrapped around his ankles, hoisting him up into the air.

" Yeah, but I'm not completely shocked " he set his hands onto the vine, sending sparks of electricity over them, making them crisp up and release him from their hold.

I gasped lightly, seeing my poor vines die like that. " How dare you? You killed my children! " I grew another, stronger vine, that swept underneath Denki's feet, knocking him onto his smart ass. The vine grew upwards until diving down over Denki, holding him down to the floor.

" Alright, alright! I give up. " and started slapping his hands on the floor by his sides, not able to move them anywhere.

" Ha! Y/n- 1, Denki- 0 " I released the vibrant blonde and helped him up, only to have Denki pull me down to the ground with him. " Ah! Denki! I punched him lightly in the chest, smiling as the other two came over to help us out. As Denki and Kirishima started bickering, Sero and I started talking, before we made the executive decision to go out and get lunch.

" Come on losers, lets go get some lunch! " I yelled over to the two others, before walking out with Sero by my side, the other two scrambling to catch up.

After walking around a bit, we decided on a local burger place, all ordering basically the same thing.

" So, you guys excited to get back to class? " I peered over my lunch at the other guys, who all groaned.

" Why'd you have to bring up school Y/n? " Denki looked like he was about to cry.

" I mean, as much as we love school and learning how to be heroes, we don't want to think about it on our days off! " Sero elbowed me in the side lightly

" Okay, okay! I get it ! " I smiled as the others started to talk between themselves.

I have great friends.

I soon joined in on the conversation, and once we were all done with lunch we said our good-byes.

" Oi! Y/n, you're not walking home alone at this time of night! " Kaminari started walking next to me

" Really? I think we both know I can handle myself. " I smirked at red-head. " I mean, it's apparent seeing as I whooped your ass today. " I sniggered as Kaminari looked taken aback.

" Okay, rude! I just didn't want to hurt you! It's unmanly. "

" Yeah, okay, sure. " I laughed as he started to chase me towards my neighborhood, eventually grabbing me again over his shoulder.

" Okay.. which house is yours? " he asked me.

" It's the one all the way down, lots of roses and flowers and what not. " He immediately spotted my house, carrying me all the way over to it.

" Okay, here we go. " He dropped me off at the top step, smiling before giving me a hug. " Hey I'll see you at school, but until then stay safe! " I smiled

" Of course. brick brain. " I had already closed the door as I heard his disapproval of the name.

Until then..


Oh my gosh I am so sorry for not updating! I hope this chapter makes up for it :( as I said before I'm going to introduce a shmall love triangle. Can you guess who's it's with? Anyways! Make sure to vote for your favorite chapters, and I'll see you soon! Adios!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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