6. Sycamore Tree

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"And darling, you know we've got youth on our side
Let's have no worries or troubles in our minds, tonight
Let's take these moments day by day
And what's in store for us, who can say" -The Hunna (Sycamore Tree) 

I was woken up by a thud. 

The thud caused me to be slightly started, but I didn't think too much of it. 

Until it happened again.

"What the hell?" I mumbled as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around my room in confusion until I heard the sound repeat itself near my window. I switch on my phone and squint at the light as I look at the time" midnight. 

The sound continues as I stand up to open the window. I let out a small yelp as I was almost hit by a small, flying object. I look around the ground and am even more confused about why Calum is in my backyard with a hand full of rocks. 

"I am so sorry!" He drops the rocks on the ground and puts a hand behind his neck, reminding me of the first time we met in the bakery. "I didn't think you'd actually open the window."

"Why are you even here?" I ask sleepily. 

"I got bored. You wouldn't answer your texts. I thought I could come over and invite you on an adventure." 

I gave him a look before motioning towards how I looked. I was wearing shorts and a tank top and had my hair thrown up in a messy bun. "Where can I go at this time of night looking like this?" 

He shrugged his shoulders before speaking. "Just come on down!" 

I bit my bottom lip and glanced at the clock once again. I let out a sigh as I shut the window and sneaked my way to the back door, hoping I wouldn't wake anyone up.

"You're ridiculous, you know that?" I ask Calum as soon as I step outside. He gave me a cheeky grin before pinching my left cheek. 

"How could I forget when I always have you to remind me?" 

"Where are we going?" I ask as I follow him slowly. 

"I already told you, I have no idea. I was just bored and I haven't seen you in forever."

"Calum, you saw me at school today," I remind him. 

"Yeah, it's been hours!" He reached in his jacket pocket to pull out a pack of Marlboro's. 

"How did you even get in? Anne always makes sure the gate is locked." 

He lit his cigarette while shaking his head. "Rori, it isn't hard to climb a fence." He puffed out the smoke and outstretched his hand to pass me the cigarette. I accepted the offer and took a quick drag before speaking again. 

"Why are you even wearing a jacket? It's not cold." 

"You sure do ask a lot of questions when you're tired," Calum pointed out, causing my cheeks to turn red. 

"I'm sorry," I mumble. 

"There's no need to be." He grabbed onto the fence and hoisted himself up with the cigarette in his mouth. I look back at Ashton's house making sure there were no lights on before following Calum's lead. 

We walked to the car Calum had parked in the alleyway in a comfortable silence. He handed me the cigarette again so he could get his keys. I took a few puffs and watched curiously as his eyes widen.

"Shit shit shit.." He whispered repeatedly while patting his pockets. He emptied out all his pockets and turned them upside down before peaking inside the car window. "We have a problem." 

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