It's All About Making Moves...

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Every little girl dreams of becoming this fabulous young lady, who finds a man that loves and adores her. That gives her everything, but on top of it all, a picture perfect family.
Unfortunately or fortunately, ( you decide ), this wasn't  what Clarise Abbington would dream as a young child.
She was a girl who was raised in Surry. Born in one of the most well-known families, with parents like Count Victor Andrew Abbington III and Countess Amelia of Surrey, Clarise was brought up with the idea that looking vain and poised was much more important than looking happy, or actually even being happy, but that is a whole other story...
As the years went by Clarise would become smarter and wiser everyday. She would create more visions about her future and make more clear and well laid out plans for what she wanted for herself.
After Clarise had finished her studies in FITMI ( Fashion In The Media Industry ), she decided that Surrey wasn't going to be the place where she would make it happen for her. So her choice was moving to London. At first the Count and the Countess were a little bit shocked, but as every parent, they were proud that their daughter wanted to become and independent and successful woman, all on her own. Plus, moving to London wouldn't be that bad, because Clarise was going to be closer to her aunt...Queen Elizabeth II that is.
So with her parent permission and her strong ongoing determination she moved to London in a very nice townhouse, gifted to her by her parents as a "we wish you all the best" gift.
The first few days were hard for the girl, but it didn't take long before she started making "friends", thanks to her last name. But Clarise knew what she was getting into the moment she decided to pay more focus to the "elite", than to her own self.
But hold on...
Did she truly know or was it all just the beginning a beautiful lie...

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