The Sister In Law...Hell Or Yay

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Clair Hall, born in 1988, was the girl everybody wanted to be friends with. She was fabulous, chic, elegant and definitely sarcastic. A lot of people would say that she gave Clarise a run for her money, but Clarise would go down this easy...
Jack and Clair were always really close and really protective over each other and it was a tradition that every single girl Jack would pick, would have to go through Clair as well. In this case, Jack didn't leave it up to his sister and this rubbed Clair the wrong way. But of course that a darling brother wouldn't let his sister to stay mad at him. So Jack and Clarise decided that it would be best to go and meet with Clair.
The moment they arrived at Hall Manor, they were greeted by the Princess herself. As beautiful as always, Clair was very polite and welcoming...Not leaving the impression of a total b**ch.
But Clarise was not in for a smooth sail after all. They sat down on the living room and Clair started asking all sorts of questions, but this did not bother the bride to be. She would answer every question with calm and wit, leaving Clair with the impression that Clarise was not the one to be intimidated.
Seeing that everything looked nice about the new sister in law, Clair started getting more interested about her family. The moment she realized that Clarise was auntie Amelia's daughter all was good to go.
But they say old habits die hard, and Clair's makes no exception. After the couple had left the house, Clair started doing some digging that didn't include respect of privacy. She wanted to know every little thing about the girl who stole her brother's heart.
So she started digging.
There wasn't much scandal revolving around Clarise. A nice girl, educated, workaholic, she seemed like an angel, but Clair didn't want to be fooled, so she went a little bit deeper and came across the information that could possibly ruin the whole marriage...
Back in high school, Clarise had given an interview saying that since she is very career driven the moment she would find a guy, she would go into a relationship with him, than leave him and break his heart, so he would never think of her again. Now for Clarise this was horrible, while for Clair was like finding gold...
Was she going to jeopardize her brother's marriage or was she going to let this high school foolishness stay in the past...

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