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Celeb crushes you guys get jealous of:

Troye sivan
"Y/n if its the blue eyes I can get contacts"
"Finn it doesn't matter either way he's gay aha"
"Oh" *sits in embarrassment*

Shawn mendes
"He plays the guitar its so cute"
"I play the guitar y/n"

Tom Holland
"He is literally Spiderman how can I compete? This isn't even fair!"

Justin Bieber
"Good thing he's engage y/n"

"Have you seen him finn?"
"Yeah I see him alright"

Harry styles
"At least I have two nipples and not four"


Ariana grande:
"Finn you don't even need to explain she's mine too"

Bebe rexxa (idk really know her so if spelled that wrong sorry)
"She's pretty but you're prettier"

Taylor swift
"Well im not a snake so"

Kylie Jenner
"Do i even need to start about how she thought a dog was a chicken finn?"

Dua lipa
"The girl even broke her rules"

"Y/n she's really talented"
"And im not?"
"I didn't say that"
"But you thought it"
"No I didn't bud"

Josh ovalle
"Y/n hes not my celebrity crush stop telling people that"
"I see how you look at each other finn and let me tell you im not offended haha"
"Babe we look at each other like brothers"
"Who want to have sex?"
"Ah you're freaking disgusting"

(This last one was obviously a joke don't come for me)

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