im back !!! chap. 31

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hey y'all i returned. i cant believe this has 76K reads and like y'all still enjoy reading my crappy writing from when i was 15. i stopped making these because i thought i embarrassed myself enough and i kinda distance myself from the fandom after it got toxic. but i know u guys love these so i'm back to write for u. even if i don't love my writing and i wish the fandom never got so bad, i'm not gonna leave u guys hanging especially since i'm aware of the following this book has and how much u guys like it. so here i am all this time later writing for u guys. :) enjoy.
how finn acts when your sick
•he tries his best to make u feel as comfortable as possible.
•he'll order u soup while getting u tissues and medicine.
•he'll lay with u and just hold u while u sleep because he doesn't care if he gets sick he just wants u to feel better and safe.
• "y/n come on. i know the medicine is not good but u have to take it in order to feel better. do it for me ok baby ?"
•he would hold ur hand while u take ur medicine just so u could squeeze the taste out of ur mouth.
•by the end of the day u feel a lot better but he says he feels a bit sick so now it's ur turn to nurse him back to health. :)

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