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Ok so I won't be providing any ss about this so I hope I can explain this well.

So a couple of days ago this dude (who will be called PR) hit me up like "who dis" cuz I added him on snap and ig he was just acting dumb when I told him who I was bc he's kinda my friend. Like we had lunch and art together last yr for less than a semester (he was a transfer student) and after my schedule changed I didn't see him so we didn't talk. Then my cousin moved in bc of her personal reasons. And they began to become friends and I didn't really care. And PR and I only spoke once after my schedule changed which was over 5/6 months ago.

Anyway, he hit me up asking who I was bc I guess my username wasn't enough for him to click in his head who I was. So I told him and he was still acting slow asf.

A couple days after I saw him in the hallway and I asked him "Hey were u hitting me up the other day asking me who tf I was" (in a jokingly type of manner) and he said something like "uh idk. I've just been texting a bunch of ppl on sc" and I was just like Ight bye. Cuz I had to go to class.

Then he hits me up again the same day asking "wait who was this again?" And I said my name and he was like ohhhh And shit. So I was just like lmao this man hella slow.

So our convo didn't last long cuz we didn't have anything to talk about. But just 2 days ago he texted me but I forgot what he said. And again our convo was getting hella dry so I decided to ask "so hows school been"

This bitch replied "go to bed" like how I just typed it. In my head I was like "bitchhhhhhh. Who tf is u??" But irl I just said "umm.. ok (¿?)" cuz I was hella confused.

THIS BITCH CAME AT ME WITH SOME "I WANT U IN BED EVERY DAY BY 8:30" (he added some other shit but I honestly don't remember wtf it was) AND I WAS LIKE "LMAO ILL TRY BUT I CANT MAKE ANY PROMISES"




So yesterday I posted on sc some Rich Brian tweets and on one of them I said "Brian's my new daddy🙃💀"
PR said "bitch I'm ur dad and only dad"

(Ok take in mind that he's never cursed around me even tho we didn't spend a lot of time together. But on the other hand I always cuss. So I was hella shook cuz this bitch called me a bitch)

I'm canceling. Deadass don't know how to feel about this whole situation.

And I told one of my guy friends about this so he asked "are u feeling him tho? U think he's cute?" And I said idk. Cuz like I'm the type of person that takes more importance on character than looks and honestly PR is a 50/100 but if I like his character than it would go up to a 100/100.

And Idek if he's trying to flirt bc he's only been the 3rd guy that's ever shown weird emotions towards me.
And bc of me rarely ever getting a guy to like me, I begin to panic and I get scared to be around them. Idk y tho.

Like all bc of PR I'm scared to walk to class cuz I'm afraid I'm gonna see him

I jokingly told my guy friend "I'm too innocent for this world😪💀" he said "u really are"


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