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So life's been pretty confusing lately.. too many ups and downs in such a short period of time but I talked to my crush a while back :)

He's a grade above me and somehow I had the balls to txt him and tell him he's cute. And like we almost went on a dateee. But like he ended up canceling and said he was talking to someone and I was kinda bummed out.

But then I asked him if we could stay friends and he said ofc so we occasionally txt. He's so sweet tho. I thought he would be kinda rude bc I'd never spoken to him before until I added him on snap.

Honestly though, the fact that he asked me out on a date and actually thought of me as attractive (even though he ended up canceling in the end) made my self esteem go up. Like holy shit. I did that.

Lmao but mini update ?

I Think Im High..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant