Chapter One

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Adrie's sneakers were drenched after being outside for ten minutes.  Her whole body was soaked.  When she had arrived at the scene, she was shivering.  She weaved between glowing police cars until she reached the entrance to the house.  She showed her badge to the man monitoring entrees.  The man nodded, and Adrie entered the yard of the homicide.

Her sneakers made tracks in the fresh mud as she walked along the path to the porch.  She climbed the stairs, fatigue suddenly hitting her like a ton of bricks.  She entered the house.  She nearly ran outside due to the horrid stench that slapped her in the face.  Adrie quickly covered her nose with her shirt and progressed further into the house.

"Detective Baum, thank you for joining us," Hank called from across the room.  Adrie flipped off the grey-haired, wacky-shirt-wearing man.  Hank chuckled, then turned his attention to an android in the corner.  Adrie ignored the android and focused on the victim. 

He seemed to be in mid-thirties to early forties.  He was obese with a nine-o-clock shadow along his chin.  His body was slumped against the blood coated wall.  Multiple stab wounds protruded from his abdomen.  Three words were written above him in his blood.

"I am alive," Adrie read aloud in a whisper.  She averted her gaze and surveyed the rest of the room.  It was a small living area that led straight into the kitchen.  A few upturned chairs were in the doorway between rooms.  There was a blood trail from the kitchen to the man's final resting place.  Adrie slunk into the kitchen to get a better view.  A knife seemed to be missing from the rack, and a baseball bat in the center of the room.  More blood covered the counters. 

"Detective Baum," Officer Collins said.  Adrie turned to see the middle-aged man with a smile.

"Hello, Ben.  Can you give me a quick debriefing?" Adrie asked.  Ben nodded, pulling up his tablet.

"Ortiz, Carlos.  Left dead for nineteen days.  Bat has fingerprints but knife does not.  You've seen the words written in blood.  And that's about all we've got," Ben concluded, "If you can give us some answers, it would be greatly appreciated.  We have an android on site, but he might not be much use."

"Did Ortiz have an android?" Adrie asked.  Ben nodded once again.  Adrie bit her lip.

"Well, evidence suggests that Ortiz had the bat, and the android had the knife.  Maybe it was a fight, maybe Ortiz was protecting himself," Adrie began, moving toward the kitchen, "The blood trail suggests the fight started here, then moved into the living room where the victim died."

"That's a start," Ben said with a smile, "Thank you, Adrie."

"Don't mention it," she responded.

"Detective Baum, I believe I might be of some assistance," the android from the corner piped up.  He was examining the kitchen, kneeling next to an upturned chair.  His chestnut hair swooped down his face, which blocked his peering, chocolate eyes.  The glowing, yellow LED reflected off of his face, casting strange shadows.

"And who are you?" Adrie responded.  The android stood and moved closer to the detective.

"My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife," he said simply. Adrie smiled tightly. She had a past with androids, and didn't take too lightly to them.

"Alright, tell me what you know," she said.  Connor gave the scene another once-over before beginning.

"It all started in the kitchen," Connor said, nodding toward the counter that held the knife rack.

"There's sign of a struggle.  The question is, what exactly happened here," Adrie prompted.  She gestured to the blood trail on the floor and the victim's slumped body.

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