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We meet again...😘


At night Sanyukta was sitting on the sofa holding her Diary and was constantly looking at the list which she made for Randhir. When flashes of Riya's advice came...

"Aese list banake and scores banake koi boyfriend milega kya? You know what relationship na love and attraction ke vajah se hote hai...likes and dislikes ke vajah se nahi."

She again looked down and caressed the page. She recalled the initial memories she had with him that how his carefree and cool behaviour always irritated her like hell but at the same time he offered to help her when she twisted her ankle even after knowing how much she disliked him. He carried her till her apartment in his arms that was the moment when something flickered in her mind to think about him otherwise.

She sadly hugged the dairy and bit her lower lip in confusion about the thought which didn't leave her mind even for a second.

Vidushi came to her called her slowly but Sanyukta didn't budge.

"I wish I could help you but it was your sole decision then you have to take a stand for your thoughts and feelings" Vidushi thought and left her alone to figure out herself what exactly she wants.

Sanyukta kept the dairy aside and held her forehead and closed her eyes. But his thoughts were not ready to leave her mind.

"Duniya ke itne million log sirf 12 type ke nahi hote." His words rang in her ears.

She opened her eyes went to the balcony to get some fresh air to relief her self from the contradictory thoughts.

She rested her head on the wall closing her eyes but the cool breeze reminded of the bikes rides they used to have almost on a regular basis and how much she loved that.

She spat open her eyes after which a lone tear escaped her eyes making her more vulnerable. She went to the railing and gripped it tightly. Minutes after minute memories flashed about their growing unnamed relationship.

And finally, the last incident recollected when he heard Vidushi and her talking about him. She indeed saw the hurt expressions on his face which did speak volume about his feelings for her.

She sobbed hard silently thinking where did she exactly go wrong. She was just being conscious about the person with whom she gets into a relationship because she did not want to break her again and let somebody take her feelings for granted again.

"Why-Why is it happening with me? When I loved someone with my heart I was left behind with nothing and now when I am trying to love with my mind...again I'm on the same way of getting hurt. What the hell should I exactly do?" She cursed and sat in the balcony. Soon her tired state of mind drifted to sleep.


Next Day

Sanyukta was missing her college from last few days. Vidushi tried to cheer her up but everything lasted momentarily. She convinced her to come to college but Sanyukta wasn't ready to face him again fearing what if he tried to confront her...what will she answer when she isn't sure about her feeling then how will she clear his confusion.

"Fine! Let's go out and chill. Vaise bhi bahut time ho gya we didn't go anywhere." Vidushi chipped with excitement veiling her worry for her.

"No, Vidu. I'm literally not in the mood to go anywhere. Please understand." Sanyukta requested calmly not looking at her.


"Please, Vidushi" Sanyukta replied even before she can say anything.

Vidushi understood the seriousness of the situation and thought there will be no use to nag her for it.

"Okay, then I'll also skip the college today." Vidushi smiled sadly not wanting to leave her alone anymore.

"I'm fine Vidu. There's no need to skip college for me. Don't worry I'll soon get back to my work." Sanyukta smiled.

"Sanyu please understand-" Vidushi spoke but she was interrupted by the buzzing of her mobile.

"One second."




Here's the next part...

Hope you all liked it.

*Who called Vidushi??? 🤔*

The story will most probably end in the next part or in the next 2 parts.
I think I'll update soon maybe tonight as well. 😅

So, please don't forget to Vote and Comment!!!!

Thank you,

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