Today sucked:/

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Okay so hello;D

So today was a fraking shitty day. I hate it so much:(

Today me and my sister were going to San Antonio. And then we were going and the checked the car and guess what they found. DRUGS!:(

I mean.. Wtf?

The car was borrowed and all so i dont think it was my sister. But who the hell would do that?!:(

Anyways. My sister got in trouble for it and they dragged me in it. The cops thought that we were like drug dealers and all but what the hell i would never.

I'm really worried for that because i dont want this shit to ruin my future:(

What if it does?

My case is open so they might take it away when im 18. Because im underage and all.

So maybe its not that bad, i guess.

But im still worried about it.

Im telling you this right now!


Okay moving on!

My brother is 9yrs old. And dayumm!

He cussed my mom out so bad like really!

My brother is a dick sometimes. but i dont know how the hell he learned bad words?! lol.

Hes 9 years old for crying out loud!!

Do you remeber when i told you about my dad being in jail?

Well hes gonna call today and i dont want to talk to him!

What do i do?

I dont want to talk to him like NEVER!

He pretends to be like a good father when he isnt.

Let me tell you, when he wasnt in jail, he was with his girlfriend and her daughters. Like why?!

He always put more attention to them than me. i dont want to be selfish but he only wants to talk to us when he's in jai because he needs money.

Im sorry dad, but im not you bank!

Sorry but i just wanted to share my dick and selfish of a dad i have.

But theres more of him and ugh! i wont say more because its like worst.

All i've been doing these past few days is being on twitter an doing nothing. Like always.

Bah bye. I love you stranger(:

Basically.. My LifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt