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Well i havent written anything because nothing much has happenes really.

Me and my cousin are making plans to go to Warped Tour mext year.

If we go i hope i meet one of my favorite youtubers. Which is Damon,Johnie, and bryan. Those are my favorite. I like the other ones too but my mains are them.

My sister is making a bithday party for my nephew. i dont really want to go but they're making me.


Anyways,my dad called today. and guess what! We didnt fight! everytime he calls i always end up crying. an this time i didnt. which makes me kind of happy. but yeah.

My Aunt, Brenda has been really moody! ugh. i hate it! like yesterday before she went to sleep she was like "tomorrow when you wake up you better clean and wash the dishes" and i was like " i know i am" and then shes like "well have you seem the dishes right now? theyre not cleaned" and i was like " i cleaned them in the morning" and she was like "well you better clean tomorrow"

Like seriusly! Yesterday i woke up early and cleaned the house without no one telling me to, and then she didnt even notice! whenever i do something, like clean.she doesnt notice, but when i dont do anything, she does! like wtf?! :(

Im sick of her thinking i dont do anything, because i do.

Anyways, im starting school in two weeks!

I dont want to go! but i have no choice.

Its not that i dont want to go to school, because i sometimes do, its just that im going to a new school and i wont know anyone there.

I dont like being the new kid. in my old school in which i went for my whole middle school years, just three lol.

Anyways i knew almost everybody there. all the teachers, the student and everything. even the lunch and the office ladies. theyre pretty cool i guess.

Well im gonna go now. I dont know what else to say. but if something hapens i'll tell you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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