The Guy From Target. Ha

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Oh hello!

Guess what i got today!

I got the 5SOS album!

Ok so so today i went to Target to go buy the album and there were like 2 guys there. They looked like 16 or 17 and yeah.

So i went to get the album and the guy like checked me out! Like okay? I mean its weird you know? Guys dont really stare at me or check me out like he did.

Guys dont check me out. Not that i know. Haha

So i get the Album and walk to cashier thingie to pay, well i walk past them because they were kind of in the way.

And guess what they did?!

One of the whistled? Is that how you spell it?:(

I dont know but he did and i was like okay? -.-

They guy wasn really ugly but he wasnt that attractive either. You know, he was riiighht thereeee. ??

So yeah.

And then i got out an i was walking to my Aunts car, and this guy driving, he was young. About 19?

I think.

He literally checked me out too!

I mean wtf?! Is the day to check out on Abbie? Because i want to know why! Lol.

And now i'm in my grandma's doctor. Today is her birthday! She's 84! Like dayuumm! Im happy that she's strong and all.

Alright so im kind of just walking around and. This guy, he looked like 15? 16? I dont know. He had such pretty eyes! His eyes looked green with a hint of hazel too. Does that even make sense? I dont know.

So yeah. I dont know he was kind of cute? Yeah. Haha. Ok no!

So since its my grandmas birthday im gonna buy her a cake. Because who doesnt like cake? Its yummy:)

So yeah. I dont have much to say.

Im sorry my life is boring but maybe they'll be more adventures? I dont know. I mean i will write a tons when i enter school because im going to be new. I wont know anybody there and ugh:/

Im so nervous. But oh well i still have about one more month left till i enter the hell called High School.

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